
How do you connect a Digital Cable Box, VCR, and DVD Player to an older TV using an RF modulator?

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I'm very confused. I'm trying to follow instructions on the internet, but I'm getting confused. Please help me out. I have a Sharp Unytron TV from 1992, Samsung S221 DVD Player, a Sharp VC-A410 VCR, Motorola DCH70 Digital Cable Box from Comcast and a Dynex RF Modulator. Thanks.




  1. If the Dynex RF modulator has a built in video switch then use its inputs to connect the outputs of the other devices to but if not get a video switch with four inputs (that is how they come).

    Keep the cable company signal connected to the input of the cable box.  If you want to record on the VCR keep its cable/antenna input connected to the cable output of the cable box.

    Connect each of the video and audio outputs of the three devices you need to connect to the switch or modulator with switch to the video and audio inputs of the switch or the modulator with the switch built in.  Like this:

    Cable TV Box Video Output (yellow) to Input 1 (yellow)

    Cable TV Box Audio Output (white) to Input 1 (white)

    Cable TV Box Audio Output (red) to Input 1 (red)

    DVD Video Output (yellow) to Input 2 (yellow)

    DVD Audio Output (white) to Input 2 (white)

    DVD Audio Output (red) to Input 2 (red)

    VCR Video Output (yellow) to Input 3 (yellow)

    VCR Audio Output (white) to Input 3 (white)

    VCR Audio Output (red) to Input 3 (red)

    Switch to each source as needed on the switch - if auto sensing switching turn off the units you do not want to watch

    If the switch is not part of the modulator connect its output as follows:

    Switch Video Out (yellow) to Modulator Video In (yellow)

    Switch Audio Out (white) to  Modulator Audio In (white)

    Switch Audio Output (red) to Modulator Audio In (red)

    Either way connect the RF output of the modulator to the TV antenna/cable input and tune the TV to the modulator channel (channel 3 or 4 in the US

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