
How do you conserve energy?

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There have been tons of advertisements telling us to conserve energy. One question; have you done your part? If yes, please name at least 1 example.




  1. 1. Switch off at the main, standby mode uses energy.

    2. Use fans instead of air-con during not-so-hot weather.

    3. Use thermo flask to keep hot water instead of electric airpot which runs 24 hours.

    4. Wash laundry with full load, 2 full loads instead of 3 partial loads, save electricity & water.

    5. Use energy saving light bulbs.

    6. Switch off whatever that is not in use, only on it if you need to use.

    7. DIY, sweep the floor with brooms instead of vacuum cleaner.

    8. Dry dish naturally on dish rack instead of dish dryer.

    9. Dry laundry naturally out in the sun instead of laundry dryer.

    10. Use instant water heater instead of the storage type, it saves.

    11. Use corded desk phones instead of cordless ones, you don't have to recharge the batteries.

    12. Use your laundry water to flush toilets.

    13. Use a refrigerator that is just nice for your family, big ones consumes more energy.

    14. Clean all electrical appliances periodically, especially air-cons, dirty ones consumes more energy.

  2. Yes. My fiance and I had solar panels installed over a year ago. We now use solar energy rather than electricity. Our house is also almost entirely concrete (except our wooden floors), with a black concrete wall in our lounge. This keeps our home heated during winter and cool during summer. We also harvest rain water.

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