
How do you contest a rolling stop sign citiation?

by Guest55986  |  earlier

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I swear to god I didnt roll through a stop sign..But officer Eatdicks swears sHe saw me not stop and turn.

I have free time so Im contesting this in court,how do I defend against a he say she say?




  1. Once the officer presents their testimony, it's up to you to introduce evidence that casts doubt on her credibility (ie, to disprove their testimony).

    Plan to plead guilty unless the officer doesn't show up.

    Calif Deputy

  2. It isn't about your Free Time...

    It is the cost of a Lawyer to fight it...

    and you will be required to have one...

    Plus still have to pay the Fine & Court costs...

  3. The judge will ask you what you say happened and the what she says happened and then decide who he/she believes.  By all means call the officer Eatdicks, that will add greatly to your credibility.  I'm guessing your wise-guy attitude will help too.

  4. Well, I tried that one and the officer had it on video, I felt stupid and just paid my money. unless you have proof don't bother. Also they do not just throw the tickets out if the officer don't show anymore. So that plot wont work either. Good luck and make sure you stop for a few seconds from now on. I do, don't want another 150 ticket.

  5. Well hope that the officer that issued you the ticket does not show, the traffic ticket will then get thrown out.

  6. You'll have to prove that you stopped & the officer is wrong.  If you have witnesses, video or some other proof, take it to court.  If it's your word against the officer, your gonna lose.

    Also, don't count on it getting tossed out because the officer doesn't show up to court.  I've written lots of tickets & have NEVER had to go to court over them.

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