
How do you continue fighting towards your goals , when all you see is walls ?

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How do you continue fighting towards your goals , when all you see is walls ?




  1. in that case...

    go to an opthalmologist





    to elaborate the opthalmologist part...

    Those walls are just illusions. There is really nothing that can stop you, if you really want to do something.

    Look, I am facing WAYY too many walls every single day,and it's either you break them down, or climb them.

    There's too many ways to go beyond those "walls".


    opthalmologist or hammer??


  2. IF all you are seeing is walls, it is time to stop and take a break. Find a bench, a tree to sit under, a comfy chair, or a front porch swing. Think long and hard about all your walls, your lines in the sand, your needs. Just think. Sometimes, the answer comes right away. Other times, it takes more sittings. But just try to find a way to sit still and just listen to yourself.

  3. I believe the hope is the thing which keeps us alive. If you look around you will see a lot of people are suffering too much but in spite of that they keep going in this life and if you talk with them they would tell you that, the day when they touch the sky is coming. They have the hope. So when you lose this, you will not lose your goals only. But you will lose your desire to live. And you will become died man.

  4. Most of the walls that keep people from their goals are built by themselves, sometimes out of fear of an unknown future, sometimes for protection from the struggle.

    Walls have doors, walls can be climbed, walls can be flown over or tunneled under, and sometimes torn down stone by stone over time.

    You are as free as you want to be.

    It's a grand, grand world past the walls, and it is also your world, to live in and struggle in.

    Don't be afraid. You are not alone, or apart.

  5. you have to keep fighting!

    because if you don't you can just kill yourself.

    you have to have a reason in life, because life without reason is a life not worth living.

    breaking those walls is a great reason for living.

    we can not say a simple sentence and say: well this is meaning of life.

    but we can keep searching for that sentence, and in my opinion that is what breaking walls is all about.

  6. sledge hammer?

  7. Build a door.

  8. Your avatar suggests that you rely on a higher power to help you. Talk to the higher power.

  9. untill the walls are not down

    best of luck!!

    keep smiling:))))))

  10. If you have enough persistence and patience, those walls will go away.  

  11. You've got a heart so big

    It could crush this town

    And I can't hold out forever

    Even Walls fall down

  12. "The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something."

    Randy Pausch (1960-2008)

  13. If all you can see is walls then you use the space between the walls that you cannot see. Your simply missing something if your goals are the goals you really want to meet a way will be made.

  14. climb over the walls and get a better view of your surroundings, then you'd see that the road you're looking for is just really beyond the wall you're standing on

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