
How do you control over water/tear production (for eyes)?

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My left eye is ok, but my right eye produces a lot of tears. When I lie down, tears (in small amount) just comes streaming down my cheeks even though I'm not crying or feeling sad at all. This happens to me a lot, especially when I sleep. So, when I wake up in the morning, the tears around my eyes have dried, and I end up having these crusty/sticky, dried up tear drops in my eyes, which shuts my eyes completely until I go wash it with water. Washing it all the time created dryness in the eye and irritation, but this happens all the time because my right eye keeps producing more tears than normal, especially in the night time. I've been having this problem for quite a while now. I'm going to go see an optomologist soon, but he's out of town now, and I have to leave for camp tomorrow. Our lodge will be somewhat far away from the camp's bathroom, and I don't want to stumble or fall with my eyes shut when I wake up in the morning. Are there any at-home/easy remedies for this problem to use temporarily so it doesn't become a problem while I'm away at camp/until the doctor comes back? Please help me. Thanks in advance and 10 points for best answer!




  1. (1) You could keep a water bottle near u so u can give a quick wash before you go to do a proper wash.

    You May Want to see a doctor or optometrist if its that bad something you can get is but i doubt u have this condition below

    Belive it or not Dry AMD (or dry eye) is the most common form, affecting about 90% of all sufferers.  It develops slowly causing gradual loss of central vision.  Unfortunately there is no effective treatment; however, optical magnifiers and other devices can be helpful with reading and other fine detailed tasks.

    Wet AMD results from new blood vessels growing behind the retina.  This causes bleeding and scarring, which then leads to some loss of vision.  Wet AMD can develop quickly and can cause more devastating sight loss than the dry form.  A number of very promising treatments have been developed which will prevent further deterioration of the vision or even restore some of the lost sight.

    If you smoke, stop. Smoking significantly increases the risk of developing cataract and age-related macular degeneration.

    Maintain a healthy diet and weight; obesity has been shown to increase the risk of developing AMD and a lack of certain antioxidant vitamins such as A and C has been shown to be a risk factor again for both cataract and AMD.

    Not trying to scare you just trying to help hope i did Sabrina:)

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