
How do you control your temper when another person ticks you off?

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How do you control your temper when another person ticks you off?




  1. I think my way through what probably will happen.  I have plenty of instances where I was embarrassed by the emotional behavior that I or someone else displayed, so I just think of one of those situations.  In doing so you are taking the moral high road.  The smugness of this moral superiority is a good trade off for the relief felt when expressing yourself while angry.

  2. punch them and punch them and punch them again again and again

  3. Walk  away until you calm down. Then wait a while and work out why the pweson ticks you off before either discussing it or letting it go

  4. I have great sympathy for you, as I feel you have some really dark people who like to push buttons to make you feel bad.

    There are several ways to do so. The first is the best.

    It is called the art of Diffusing.

    To diffuse a 'Bomb' personality that is off and throwing things or screaming- if one can't just walk away, one has to close their eyes and listen to the words the person is saying.

    Then look at them and find something funny about them.

    In your mind as you watch them doing whatever they are doing, you then INFLATE to Diffuse.

    INFLATION one time almost got me in a car accident well twice- Once when I was driving and once when I taught a friend. She was driving and near pulled out 1/2 foot into a speeding double size tractor trailer.

    we both would have been found with giant smiles on our faces. to INFLATE the 'BOMB' mean person

    it is best not to share what you are thinking or the above can occurr-

    Example there is a guy who is tall with a beer belly.

    Imagine him wearing a ballerina tu tu-

    as he rants and raves imagine what he would look like dancing at that moment in time- The greater you can inflate it

    the less the mean person will hurt you-

    I have taken psychology classes and this is a common thing but it takes practice.

    Usually saying thank you for that ! and smiling and changing the subject is better at first. But when you are safe

    like in your own home or room inflate them

    draw pictures of them- think of all the things that make that person foolish- when you get that image of them

    you will just laugh when they go off-

    IT is very difficult to do this when one lives with a I am always right you are always wrong person.  Leave is the best thing to do-

    if you can tolerate what they are doing and saying

    just imagine something happening to them

    like a giant water ballon landed on them

    it takes a lot of practice

    i have done it and do it

    but as stated it can be dangerous if shared with a friend while in traffic- my friend was upset again about her boyfriend

    he was mean- we gave him funny names- He flirted with a girl and we named her and we went off on a story about them both- that is how we almost got hit by the tractor trailer-

    It feels so wonderful once one masters that-

    In public the smile! Thank you for that!

    well well! Thank you for that Jason! You are such a wit!

    If 'Jason' is trying to tick you off HE will try more things

    there is a good book to read called dealing with people you can't stand- It teaches one about personality types and how to deal with and diffuse them-

    so if you have someone who irks you

    drawing them is fun

    putting a big belly beer drinking man in red high heel shoes

    and a funny hat

    like if you have your own office and the boss or a coworker is being mean

    doodle only you will know what it means

    then look up and say what did you say?


    in any form always works

    their intention to tick you off


    and then you will see if they come back again

    it takes time to find out why they do what they do

    most of the time it is jealous

    i had a college friend

    she was just out of high school

    I was 25 at the time going to be a paramedic

    I was a captain of a crew a firefighter

    she wanted to beat me at whatever

    tests, games- u know chick to chick

    i used to FEED her need by playing board games with her

    I would lose on purpose-

    then I would have to run and hide in the bathroom because I was laughing-

    one night during scrabble

    I had to put  the word in

    it was a triple score

    and the word



    which means wrath or rage or anger

    she said THAT'S NOT A WORD! TAKE IT OFF!

    I said it is a word it means!

    she said take it off

    I said get a dictionary

    she said I don't have one

    I took off the word

    it was IRK some

    to not be able to have fun with her

    but she so wanted to be what I was

    I mean I was older wiser

    people always pick on someone who they feel is smarter

    or luckier

    or better at something

    you can what makes people tick by really hearing them

    time after time

    see what you said

    what they said

    some people like to fight

    some people do it because they have some other problem

    and they snap at you

    i saw a NUN on TV and a woman one time called up

    and said

    I always have people yelling at me

    and I am always nice

    i never raise my voice and am helpful

    yet no one respects me

    the woman was in tears

    the NUN in her 90 plus years of wisdom

    said people take things out on you

    because they know you are a good person

    and that you will forgive them

    she was right

    if you can watch the movie

    Point of no Return

    with Bridget Fonda

    there is a point in the movie where she is told to

    smile and say

    I never did mind the little things

    that is what I am getting at

    letting someone know they irk you when they are in a bad mood

    will only make it worse

    some people will always irk you

    spend less time with those who irk you

    if you speak to them about it and ask to knock it off

    and they persist

    something is wrong inside of them

    but be sure to check yourself in the mirror as well

    to see if you do anything to provoke anyone

    it isn't easy

    to know a friend from a foe

    it worse when it is family

    walking away worked for me for a while

    then the 'agressor' realized that i would

    leave the room when a temper tanturn would occur

    i would hide in the hall to watch how long it took for the agressor to calm down

    i would find said agressor

    to be watching TV only what 'it' wanted

    and on the computer doing what 'it' wanted

    and laughing while being in control of the weekend fun

    there was a movie i wanted to watch

    It said no

    so I said ok then I will go on line

    it got mad

    it wanted both

    so walking away all the time

    often gives the person what they want

    study each person to try and understand them

    sometimes people will fight say with a sister

    and then you are next in line

    and they yell at you

    they really are not mad at you

    but are mad at the sister

    only you can control you

    others you can change

    but you have to study the right books in the self help section

    browse about

    walk away

    pick a book and read

    a 91 year old air force vet told me recently

    that when his wife gets mad and starts yelling and irking him

    that he goes outside and sits on a chair in the sun

    and pretends he is listening

    she gets it out of her system

    and he is busy thinking about his next bridge game

    ignore he said is best because life is too short

    do something else when they start

    keep a secret log to see if you can pin point the same behavior

    one i have acts up only when there is a full moon

    i have an atomic clock and when i see the moon phase going to full i stay out of the way

    sometimes for the sake of seeing if it is the moon

    i will say something that i know will make it mad

    we disagree on the death penalty that sets it off

    see if you can get to the root of why who does what

    though don't expect all of them to admit they have a problem

    a lot will deny


    and blame you

    which would irk you and me too

    so diffuse, doodle, think of funny things happening to them so you can laugh if off

    say thank you so much for that! Man you are so insiteful!

    and let it go ----

    doing that part

    would enable you to

    understand the person so you can LEAVE right before they do it nit pick whatever irks you

    anger management books would be a good read for you

    many books I bought for the worst tick me off person

    it tries

    i imply IT

    because a 'shrink' mind you

    called a spouse that


    not he

    not she


    IT made me mad

    i asked why

    the shrink said IT and not he or she

    if I say IT who am I talking about the shrink asked

    IT could be in the room with me

    and I can say I don't like it anymore

    what don't you like anymore? Pepper.  Or

    oh nothing just something I was thinking about

    what was it?


    I forgot about it now..

    come on tell me.....

    It i forget what it was

    salad please



    don't drive and Inflate or diffuse

    twice was  2 times too many

    when is is not a co worker

    or family member

    evaluate the friends to see if you can resolve and live with the problem they present

    friends are like an elevator

    they will take you up

    or they will take you down

    pick the friends you can get along with

    but don't waste your life

    worying about IT

    the ignore thing works

    unless it is a family issue that needs a resolve

    like one spends too much

    that needs to be dealt with rationally


    and inside your head you are thinking

    man you are such a Ballerina

    you could hum a ballerina song

    to yourself

    or whistle it

    how would BILL know what it means

    say that is my favorite song

    i think  it is swan lake

    that goes

    da da da da da da da da da da  da da da da DUT

    or perhaps Bill's wife is the problem

    always nagging you

    put a beard on her

    and plaid flannel shirt and jeans and work boots in your mind

    and sing some trucker song

    like we got a mightly convoy truckin through the night

    singing does work well

    people in the group laugh

    and they forget what the mean person next to you said

    best wishes


    I SEE you having a better LIFE now -8-)

  5. Imagine that they are standing there naked. this makes them vulnerable, but don't laugh at their 'wobbly bits'

  6. Well I would just walk away if that's possible then leave them talking to themselves it's them it's going to look stupid after all they will be talking to them selves.

  7. count til 3 then talk. it gives you time to stop thinking about the person and you kinda forget/get less angry. If doesnt work, try counting longer, like til 5 or 10.

  8. usually i ask the higher power to let me see that person as the supreme being does.   sometimes though, i just yell....

  9. That's a paranormal phenomena ?

  10. Just relax alot,have self-control,and don't be with the person that ticks you off.

  11. I just keep quiet & walk away.

  12. I don't....If i know the person, If I don't know them I walk away..

  13. Breathe deeply, clench and unclench my fists, take a walk, go somewhere and curse up a storm. . . then I go back to deal with the issue if necessary.

  14. best thing to do is walk away, that ticks the other person off

    that way u want say some thing that u didnt want to say takes a better person to walk away.because some one could get hurt.

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