
How do you control your thoughts? ?

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i`ve been having stupid and ilogical thoughts lately. I am scared of these thoughts and a just want to get rid of them. everytime i see a movie or something that scares me, i tend to think that situation is going to happen to me. i just cant handle it anymore, i need help. is this some kind of psychological problem?




  1. I can tell you it is nearly impossible to control ones thoughts. 

    For Example:  If I tell you that under no circumstances are you to think of purple polka dotted  pink elephants dancing on your coffee table it will haunt you for days.  So don't think about them at all for at least a week.  

    Seriously, you can start by turning off the idiot box and reading a few books.  If you really hate to read at least switch to the learning channel, the history channel, discovery or something with some truth and educational value. 

    Weening yourself off of horror shows is another thing to consider.  Frankly I would rather watch two people engaged in s*x, I.E. p**n, than someone in a leather mask cutting up all the people in the neighborhood with a chainsaw. 

    Concentrate on controlling your actions.  Don't let the random thoughts control you.

    Good luck, but I do think you are embarking on a "Mission Impossible" unless you abandon the stimulus that provides the seeds for these thoughts.   

  2. Just don't do it, thats all you gota do. You gota put an acual effort into thinking. So all you have to do is....nothing.  Just stop when you start.

  3. dear ME , im a lil like u

    i have a weird thing about see pics of dead ppl on internet and i get so afraid to die...........thats sick crazy i know but i guess the soution for everything is a good music


    listen somethign that make u feel happy u will forget about it

    i promise

    just try

  4. See my blog on Yahoo!  I think meditation, self-hypnosis, and exercise are the best ways.

    If you ask if you have a psychological problem, someone will find a diagnosis for you.  Work on controlling your inner self talk.  Mindfulness exercises are the key.

  5. go do something u like doing and let urself get carried away....oh and always remind urself it just a movie

  6. This can be a form of anxiety disorder.It is ussually refered to as O.C.D. or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.What you are desgribing is ussually how it starts.It is 100% normal.More than 6 million people in America have this.It is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain.You are not producing enough Seretonin.This can be cured by medication and Cognative therapy or just therapy itself.The anxiety is caused by the fear of thoughts and then you fear you will act on or the thoughts can come true or are true.Don't fret.It is easily diagnosed and treatable.Go see your doctor and tell them everything.Dont be scared to share even the weirdest thought.Remember this is normal and you are not the first.Your doctor probably has 20 patients he is already treating.He will probably prescribe you a SRUI.A Seritonin Re Uptake Inhibitor.There are many different one and many have few to no side effects.Some of the most popular are Prozac and Luvox.Medical science has come a very long way treating this disorder to wherre it used to be that a psychiatrist would have to treat you for this to now a medical doctor will treat you.It is important that you see your doctor soon because these medications take about three weeks to start working.Remember this,You are normal,You will be ok and you are not the only one to ever have this.Good luck to you and dont worry.Relax and remember these are normal thoughts.Dont work so hard to get away from them.Many people whi have this disorder will count,wash their hands alot,check door locks and sometimes be germophobic.Call the doc.

  7. Yeah, you are a full pledge "NUT"

    ask interesting questions........dull

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