
How do you convert 800 square feet to linear feet?

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  1. If you are looking at the length of boards (measured linear--often sold that way) you need to divide the square footage by the width of the board (in feet). For example if you wanted to cover 100 square feet with planks 3 inches wide, you would need to divide 100 by 3inch/12inch per foot or 100 / 1/4 = 400 linear feet. dimensional lumber, especially specialty products such as oak or maple is often sold per linear foot. This is not to be confused with board feet--1 board foot is the equivalent of 1 foot by 1 foot by 1 inch thick. Larger lots of conventional lumber are often sold by board feet--which will vary significantly depending on the actual size of lumber: 1 board foot of 1x2 (1 inch by 2 inches as width and depth) would be 6 feet long, while 1 board foot of a 2x6 (2 inches by 6 inches width and depth) would be 1 foot long.

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