
How do you convert hp to cc?

by Guest258  |  earlier

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  1. HP (Horse Power) is a measure of power, strenght.

    CC (cubic Centimeter) is a measure of volume (the amount of air - or gas - the cylinders in an engine can hold and, when compressed, explodes, and makes the crankshaft rotate (thus - explosion engine...).

    An engine with small quantity of CC´s usually has also very few HP
    An engine with huge quantity of CC´s usually has very high rating in HP
    But this depends on technology (pressure the gasoline is injected in the combustion chamber, kind of gasoline, etc. etc) and there is no straight relationship: you may have an engine with 1.000 cc and 100 HP (just numbers) and an engine with 2.000 cc and just 100 HP.

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