
How do you convert price per liter in pesos to price per gallon in dollars?

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How do you convert price per liter in pesos to price per gallon in dollars?




  1. Multiply price in pesos that is on the gas pump by 3.785 and divide this number by the current exchange rate.

    Price in Pesos X 3.785

    ---------------------------------   =   Price in U.S. Dollars per Gallon

         Exchange Rate

    Example:  If the price on the pump in Mexico is 7.15 pesos (per liter), and the current exchange rate is 9.7 pesos per dollar, you would have the following result:

        7.15 X 3.785              

    ----------------------- =      




       -----------------  =    $2.78 U.S. per gallon


  2. I found a great little article that includes how to do that.  I always just round off the centavos and call it about $2.80 a gallon.

  3. Well, there are 4 liters to the gallon and 11 pesos to the dollar.. so you take the price per liter, times 4 times 11 and that should give you the cost per gallon.  I can't do any more because the cost of gas has gone up in Mexico lately...  

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