
How do you convice your mom to get a cat if your to busy???

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How do you convice your mom to get a cat if your to busy???




  1. if your too busy you cant look after a cat,and probably waste of time trying to convince your mom anyway..

  2. tell her you need some up lifting and to save your sanity in this crazy world. Bring a sense of calm and peace to the house, or just go on you tube and find some funny cat videos and show her them she'll laugh. Or pick out a kitten and put it on her lap and let her look into the eyes and she'll melt from that cute little thats what I did lol I got 4 cats. :) works like a charm

  3. If you are to busy to even be able to convince your mom then that means you are way to busy for an animal at this time. They need a lot of attention, and love, and time!!

  4. If your mother needs convincing to get a cat for herself, then she probably doesn't want or need one.

    If you're too busy to get a cat for either one of you, then you're too busy to give it the proper daily care and attention it will need.

    I would suggest going pet-less until your life situations change enough to accommodate getting and caring for a pet.  

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