
How do you convince a loved one to stop smoking?

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How do you convince a loved one to stop smoking?




  1. Give them a reason strong enough to convince them to quit.

    eg. living 5 years longer with family

         second hand smoking causes more lung damage than first hand smoking

         it's a huge waste of money

         .....come on, smoking is bad for you =)

  2. I really dont think you dad has been smoking for about 28+yrs and he has had heart attacks because of it and he still wont i dont know wut it takes...and if some ppl are sucessful in quiting they usually pick up another bad habit like heavy drinking

  3. You can't really.  Like all changes, they must come from the person making the change or it won't work/stick.

    You can make your request known and accompany that with your reasons for wanting the change, but as I said, in the end, it's up that that individual.

    I would dearly love both my sons to stop smoking and I tried telling all the reasons in the world and offering any sort of assistance that I can, but in the end they both still smoke (even though they know all the risks).  Unfortunately (to me) it's their lives and it's up to them.  I just don't allow it anywhere near or around me.  I don't want to have to watch it.

  4. My friend's dad smoked. Whenever he smoke in the house she would start coughing really hard and walk out of the house. She would tell him she couldn't handle the smoke. After about two weeks of that he was smoking inside and she started to cough and gasp and pretended that her throat was closing up. Then when she came back to her mom's she told me her plan and when she went back to her dad's house she told him that she suffers from acute bronchitis and that she can't stay at his house for visits if he kept smoking. He quit but it took over a year. Her mom was in on it but jess really took it to the extreme.

  5. Get stories about real people who have had to suffer through surgeries due to lung cancer or who have to live with oxygen for the rest of their lives because of emphysema.

    Show the person how much they would save if they don't buy cigarettes.

    Finally, grab the appropriate strength of nicotine gum or patches (talk to your doctor or pharmacist to get an idea of how much would be a proper dose for the loved one) and lay it on the counter in front of them.  You need to keep encouraging them.  They will need the support.

  6. you cant. all you can do is walk away from them when they light up. if they value you then they MAY quit. but i doubt it. its addictive like coffee

  7. As a smoker myself-my wife too-we know that there has to be a desire from within. All you can do is educate and offer support.

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