
How do you convince a young adult to vote in the 2008 election if they are not interested in voting?

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The 2008 United States Presidential Election is going to be one of the most important elections of the 21st Century. Although many young adults will be voting this election, there will be some who believe that they is no need to cast a vote and have no interest in voting.

As a voter, how do you convince a young adult who does not want to participate in the November election why it is important to vote for President of the United States of America and for other elected officials at the federal, state, county, and local goverment?




  1. Before they work for a living, they will vote Democrat and their Utopian socialism.

    I'll wait until they get into the real world before I try to get them to vote.

    By then they'll be smart enough to be a Conservative.

  2. They need to realize that what is being done [has been done over the last 7 years] will have great impact on their lives as citizen tax payers.  Talk of democrats as dreamers of utopie and Republicans as real working people is a fraudulent description of both.  In fact, it is the Republicans who have thrust into a 5+year war pretending we don't have to pay the Trillion + for it and they have succeeded in doing that by borrowing all of the money from China to fight this shameful war.  AND, guess who will have to pay the Chinese.  It is the class of young voters you say is disinterested.

  3. Very difficult because:

    1)We do not vote for a president in this country you vote to send someone to elect a president.(the US government instituted this because they believed the people were not smart enough to elect a president on their own)

    2)Bush is in office even though more people voted for Gore

    3)In the last 2 presidential elections the courts played a bigger role than the voters.

    4)McCain is allowed to run for president even though he is a naturalized citizen and therefore, by law, unable to become president

    5)the government does more for illegals than they do for their own citizens

    6)the amount of corruption in government is growing daily

    7)we haven't had a good person to vote for president in decades. We have to vote for who will do the least damage

    the list goes on and on. Somebody has to put a stop to this runaway government and the best way is to vote out the people who don't want to represent Americans. If all American voted on the issues we just might pull it off.

  4. It's been ruined for many.

  5. I honestly don't know why you think this is the most important of the 21st century?  Is it because the media told you to think it is?   If one of your friends wants to vote, they will, if they don't they won't.  That is our privilege in this country.  It's called freedom.  Are you also trying to tell them how to vote too?

  6. Tell them that McCain wants to initiate a draft and they may wind up in Iraq.  This is serious business

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