
How do you convince people (namely your boss) that you are enthusiastic about __?

by  |  earlier

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Note: I'm not asking how to be deceptive.

My boss wants me to show how enthusiastic I am before I can do anything significant. Unless I can relay my "passion" I will be stuck doing intern-office grunt work for the next two months - again. =(




  1. Try to show self initiative if you can.. You are allowed to ask your boss questions and he is required to answer them. So ask him work related questions.. that shows you have enthusiam. Ask about things you get stuck with..  try to manage some things on your own but tell your boss that you don't want to make mistakes and that he please show you or let you know if you are doing things right... Learn to handle phone calls in a professional way and to take messages.. and filing and whatever else there is you need to do and get familiar where to find office supplies.. also don't be afraid to ask your colleagues for help which they should be willing to give if it is work related and you are still in probation. they have to help you out.  or ask if you can help them.. that shows you are a team worker...and they will tell the boss that you are doing your work you are required to do and you help them out as well when you are done.. then that shows self initiative and it shows you show team spirit.. He can't ask for more. ask him questions when you are unsure about something rather than making big mistakes.. as the boss he needs to answer and help you when it comes to something you were not trained to do.. You take your breaks but you are on time every morning and you don't leave until you are done. and you act professional.. that's all you can do..xx

  2. By showing up early and running in place even during your breaks.

  3. You can't. People, especially your boss, either like you or they don't. Your "enthusiasm" has nothing to do with anything!

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