
How do you convince someone to quit ciggarettes in a effective way?

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I am trying to convince someone if i can because i know its better for them




  1. I told my sister, everytime I would see her, " I love you and

    I'd like you to stop smoking. You know it isn't good for you."

    Period. She did stop, but it took 12 years of hearing it from me

    and others. She had to be ready and do it herself with help.  

  2. you really can't unless they want to .  They really have to convince themselves.  If they are a long time smoker, then they probably have heard how bad cigarettes are for you.

  3. You can't. They know all the possible consequences of smoking, but it's "not going to happen to them".  

  4. I tried many times to quit, but my husband is a smoker also and my downfall in my attempts to quit.  That is, until his heart attack.  He had his last cigarette in the car on the way to the hospital.  We tease him about that a lot.  It's been two years since his heart attack and neither of us has had a cigarette since that day.  You may not be able to convince your friend or family member.  You may have to wait for the doctor to tell him that if he smokes he will die.  Good luck and recommend the patch, it helped us a lot.

  5. To convince someone to quit cigarettes in effective way, simply just to encourage them that life is so important. and must to live free from any hazardous environment.since cigarettes is one source of nicotine , and for those person who are heavy smokers are the one prone to lung cancer and cardiac system being affected as well.

  6. You can encourage someone to quit smoking.  Unfortunately you may not be able to convince them to quit.  Visit the American Cancer Society with this someone you want to convince that he or she should stop smoking.  The site will tell you and that someone how their smoking affects not only them, but you as well if they smoke around you,  Second hand smoke is dangerous and can cause cancer as well.  Hopefully, if they won't consider their own health as a reason to quit, maybe they will consider your health as a reason to quit.

  7. You can't convince them unless they want to. My entire family has tried for over 10 years...I had to come to the decision myself. Just support them and let them know you want them to stop because of their health without judgment.

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