
How do you convince your mom that going to a private Christian School would be right for you?

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My grandmother goes to a Bible Missionairy church. They have their own small homeschooling private school there (around 8 people attend there.) Three of my cousins go there, and they have top marks in all subjects. My cousin and I are both in public schools and she can go, but doesn't want to go unless I do (BTW I am in 8th grade she's in 10th). The problem is my mom won't let me go because she thinks I will lose my social skills and that I won't get as good college credits as I would in public school, when truth is I would get way better.

Every time I go to explain this to her she just shuts me out and doesn't listen. I really want to go to this school they offer 1 on 1 learning and the teacher is very caring about each students grade. They use paces for each subject so I could graduate at an earlier age.

What can I do to get my mom to listen to me?




  1. Ask her to meet the teacher and other students. That might help!

  2. i go to a private catholic school, so i know what im talking about.  i have friends that go to public school and they seem to never have homework.  i dont get a ton of homework, but i usually come home with one or two things.

    your social life will probably become better.  you will still be able to keep in touch with your old friends even after you make new ones.  in my school, theres about 30 or 40 kids in each grade, and i have around 10 or 15 kids in each of my 7 classes.  when you have a small class, you get more attention from the teacher and its easier to understand the material.

    maybe have her take you there for a day to shadow someone or to take a tour of the school.  show her that it would be a good place to receive college-caliber grades.  i have loved every class at this school starting in developmental kindergarten to now as a freshman in highschool.  i highly recommend smaller schools like the one you're talking about.

  3. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe the issue is financial? She may feel that your family can't afford private school. Another possible reason is that she may not want you to graduate at an earlier age, since kids who enter college young often have problems adapting to that very different world, no matter how well qualified they may be academically. Also, you say it is your grandmother's church, implying that it is not your mom's church. She might not be comfortable with a Bible Missionary church. And she does have a right to place her daughter in an environment she considers suitable.

    As for better college credits, you might be able to convince her on that one if there have been a good number of students who have graduated from that school and gotten accepted to good colleges. Also, you could have the parents of those cousins of yours who do go there talk to her about it.

  4. I go to a Lancaster Mennonite High School, it's a private school and offers a pretty good education. It is not nearly as small as the one you wish to attend, but I still can get extra help from my teachers when I ask.

    The fact is like you mentioned, you will gain better a better education and  receive good college credits.  Plus, most public schools have a lower grading scale than private, so college will examine this especially if you are getting good grades with the higher scale.

    You won't loose your social skills either. To ensure you mom of this, build strong relationships with the friends you are closest to, that way if you transition schools, you won't loose touch.

    Have your mom talk to the teachers. Tell her it's only fair for you to listen to her, and for her to listen to you. So you hear her opinion, now she has to listen to you i.e. ask her to get the opinion of the teachers.

    Public school isn't always the best environment for a young Christian to grow up in also. By attending the school you wish, not only will you receive a good education, but considering its from a church, you'll be able to gain more comprehension and growth in the Lord. Which is above all, the most important, right? :)

  5. Sorry, but I don't think you're going to change her mind. There are too many people out there who are absolutely convinced that if you don't have 30 kids around you all the time, your social skills will suffer. If we adults aren't able to have other adults see it differently, I'm not sure you'll be able to have your mom see differently.

    However, maybe you could make a deal with her? Ask her if you could try it out for one year and then she gets to decide if you continue or not. Also, you could actually contact one of the colleges and ask them if it matters where your credits come from and get their answer in writing to pass onto your mom.

    In the end, those may just be excuses because she just doesn't like the idea and can't explain why and doesn't want to agree to it. But at least you'll have tried. Beware pushing too much, though: she'll get angry and dig her heels in more!

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