
How do you cool yourself down when you start feeling anxious?

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I have been suffering with anxiety all my life. Or panic attacks. Not really sure which. But out of the blue, I feel this terrible pressure coming over me, as if I am waiting for something terrible to happen. I get rapid heartbeat and my respiration rate increases. I become restless and fearful and I realize it's for no real reason. I become unable to concentrate and whatever I try doesn't work. Sure, i have my anti anxiety meds but they get me confused, sleepy and make me feel retarded. I have been trying to eat right and exercise. The truth is that I have some reasons to worry about the future and I am also recovering from a brokenheart. So what do you suggest to do to get out of this?




  1. Im sorry that you are suffering from anxiety and that it feels like pressure coming over you.

    Have you tried seeing a doctor about this problem?  Or at least see them about checking to see if your anti anxiety meds are appropriate due to the side effects that you are suffering.

    Congrats on eating right and exercise. Now all you need to do is fix up the meds situation so that you can be prepared to handle your future.  

  2. i have been threw this too, i researched it and talk to my dad who is a dr.  it turns out certain things happening trigger this to start happening and there is medication for it. but i didnt  like the idea of medication so i beat it myself.

    every time i felt anxious i just thought about how it was just a medical condition and that there was no real reason to worry.

    that and having my friends and family pray for me and now i dont have a problem with it anymore.

    good luck, i know what your going threw

  3. Your story is almost exactly like mine. Anxiety is such a funny thing, well defiantly not funny to US... it feels like youre dying, and you don't know what to do to stop it!

    But what ive heard is this... no one has ever died from an anxiety attack... it's all psychological... it's a responce to fear... so all of a sudden your body just SHOOTS out adrenaline, and all youre left with is MORE fear, and the unability to calm down. Mine last about a half an hour, and then when its over i feel tired.

    A broken heart is defiantly part of it... that just happend to me a few months ago, and it just made thinsg worse, but believe me day by day a broken heart heals... you might not feel that way not.. but it will!!

    I suggest, because this is what im going to do, is see a psychologist... they can defiantly show you ways to deal, and relieve the symptoms of your anxiety!!!

  4. inhale for 5 seconds in your tummy and hold for 5 sec. and exhale for 6 seconds. do that 2 times and inhale and exhale normally once and start again. do this for 5 minutes everyday for two weeks and you'll start doing automatically when your nervous

    i take medication for this. but even with medication you'll always have your anxiety

    baby steps!

  5. get in the bath and relax

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