
How do you cope when you and your spouse are both in a bad mood?

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How do you cope when you and your spouse are both in a bad mood?




  1. We try to go into seperate rooms until we can both relax otherwise we'll just p**s each other off even more lol im 37 weeks pregnant so its pretty easy for me to get in a bad mood :)~ or we just take it out on each other and then have makeup s*x after :)

  2. he plays xbox360 and i get on yahoo answers until we relax and our moods change...

  3. you get your own hobbies and spend some time apart; give each other some time to breath.

    good luck

  4. we know each other well enough (married 16 yrs) that if he is in a crabby mood he'll just tell me, leave me alone for a bit, and i do the same thing...once the mood has passed we are good, or sometimes it goes further where i just need to vent and tell him, i just need to vent and if i yell it's not at you it's just cuz you are here.  he understands, it's NOT him.  and then when i'm done, and of course i'm crying, he just holds me and tells me it will be ok.  

  5. I go on line. He goes in front of the TV. Or we go our separate ways (alone) until one or both of us cools off.

  6. Usually he goes outside and cleans the cars and yard and I stay inside and clean the house and plan/prepare dinner.  By the time dinner rolls around he's inside asking if I need anything from the store.  Alcohol is on the list (beer/wine).  We usually BBQ and make remarks about how CLEAN everthing is!  

  7. usually we go in separate rooms and cool off, or take it out on each other, then have makeup s*x.

  8. When one of us is in a bad mood, the other needs to be in a decent mood in order for things to run smoothly.  If both of us are in bad moods, I sometimes weigh if his seems worse than mine.  If so, then I just force myself to snap out of it.  I never expect him to snap out of his.  If I decide that we're both in the same level of bad moods, then we'll just not be around each other until one of us can get out of the mood.

  9. I let him know that something is bothering me,& I need time to think,or I nip an attitude from my husband as soon as it appears, & let him know that I won't stay to listen to negative talk.I respect & love him,& will only accept the same in return.It works for us,& were both happy for the last 4 years.

  10. We do our own thing for a while like read a book or whatever.  We don't stay in bad moods long though.

  11. We stay away from each other...I go workout and he either goes to dinner with his friends or vice versa... When we come back we are both feeling refreshed and ready to spend quality time together.

  12. try not being in the same room as each other, until the moods change.

  13. Separate and do your own thing.

  14. well I dont like confrontation so I usually just dont talk. He sits on one couch and Im on the other. The tv is on and Im usually cross-stitching and hes on the computer. Or if Im really upset at something he has done Ill go lay in our room or clean something....It will pass soon enough....

  15. Time apart and then hold him to let him know I'm here.

  16. We are lucky we have a fairly large home because we have different rooms to go to.  We have our guest room with full cable TV and I have a personal office of my own and he has an office through his law practice.  We are older, mellowed and are each others second marriage. It doesn't mean we don't get on each others nerves once in a while.  We just respect our time out and it never lasts long.  

  17. give each other the afternoon to be solo.......i usually cant stay mad at him very long but he can even go the whole night, without a kiss or a hug or anything.....just give each other space and breathe inm and out its better to do that than to be up each others throat and say hurtful things you will later regret, must talk about it once you'ved calmed down

  18. One of you have to be the mature adult and try to keep things calm. Sometimes saying nothing is better than argueing.

  19. We are both pretty even tempered people and are at an age where we have learned NOT to take our frustrations out on others, especially each other.. telemarketers, lol THAT'S something different....see? they Do have a purpose in the scheme of things

  20. We bicker a little bit, then realize we are being stupid. Then... margaritas and make up s*x. Our system has worked for almost 42 yrs.  

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