
How do you cope with being bipolar?

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I'm getting stressed out at the fact that i am, and no one knows... not even my parents.. What do i do? I have pills, but i hate taking them.. It's like, i have to take medication just to feel normal...




  1. If you have bipolar disorder then your parents should know about it so that they are able to help you and they know what to do if you should need any help.

    I think that you should take your medication as some of us need our medication in order to live our lives productively and it makes it easier for us to cope with daily stresses of life.

    Also see if there is a support group in your area for people such as yourself so that you have people with whom you can talk about the disorder and how to overcome the pressures that you may be facing in future.

  2. I have had many different diagnoses over the years including bipolar.

    First its not something to be a shamed of, remember it is now one in three people who suffer some form of mental health issue during their life.

    It would be a good thing if you could talk with your parents. Stress itself can trigger the bi-polar.

    It is hard to say much because you have not included your age.

    Bipolar can be overcome, in time, with lots of self control. You need to become aware when your mood starts to change, I would start to spend loads of money and drive a bit recklessly, plus a few other things. So now if I go out spending I will challenge myself to see if I was spending in a normal way or was I started to buy things I didn't really need. With driving if I found I started to speed, then I would stop driving until I knew I was back in control. Each part of my behaviour I would challenge. For the last five years I have controlled the urges, including serious ones of life and death. I am having therapy, but I really have any symptoms now a days.

    How do we know what normal is? What is normal to one person may not be normal to another.

    Keep your GP informed about your dislike for pills and ask if there are other ways of helping you to cope.

    I am in a therapy called  bio-dynamic body psychotherapy, for me it works and is  great and changing my life. But different therapies for different folks. You will know when you find the right one.

    Sincere wishes    ((((Hugs for you))))

  3. Well once you realize what you are, is just a matter of self control, those pills help you to relax but they don't fix the real problem(Is sad living on Pills) The best thing you can do is go out and look for the things that bother you, tell a friend what you are going thru and they'll help you by supporting you or encouraging into solving the issues that affect.

  4. I cope with medication, medication and more medication.  I am on 4 meds for my bipolar disorder and now I finally feel stable.  I think about it and wonder why humans are such complex organisms that we get depression and bipolar and need meds just to survive.  My father was bipolar and would not take meds because of side effects.  He killed himself.

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