
How do you cope with it?

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i hate the fact my parents have split up, i don't remember them ever being together and it depresses me does anyone else have this same situation in their lives? Or can i have help with it?




  1. i know that it is traumatising when you parents split up...even though you can't really remember them being together, surely you can have quality time with either one parent at one time, also you could go counselling...try to ask your mum or dad about to them about how you are feeling...or maybe gran or grandad

  2. I know how you feel, it makes you feel absolutely crapola. Mine split up recently too, months ago and it still effects me. However I've been going for counselling sessions and I find talking about it really helps. Some of them are free too, you just gotta look in the right places. I hope things get better for you, unfortunately it's something some of us have to cope with, time is the only thing that will heal.

  3. My parents divorced when I was 16. I went through a very difficult time dealing with it. In fact my dad had an affair so this made me very angry with him. My mom cried a lot. I am much older now, and have matured enough to realize that they just were not happy being together. I want them both to be happy. And I enjoy spending time with them separately but equally. That's how I got through it, just knowing that this is what made them happy. Hope this helps. I know it's difficult. It will get better.

  4. I DO!!!!! OMG, my dad got cheated on by his ex-wife. And its been about 1 1/2 years!!! I still haven't got over it, but he's married now and happy. So I just look on ther bright side... He's happy.

    There must be a bright to your problem...

    If not just know I'm here for you!!! ♥♥

  5. If you do end up spending 1 week at Your Dad's and vice versa ring her every night  or get her to rig you explain to her how you feel you need to communicate with her in order for her to help you.

    Don't Worry You Can Do It!

    Tasmin xx

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