
How do you correctly stop at stop signs if...?

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How do you correctly stop at stop signs if there is no white line and they are back streets like in neighborhoods? I was taught in school and by my instructor to stop behind the stop sign, then pull up and stop again if you can't see.

I did this on my driving test at 3 stops because I could not see because I'm only 5'1" and he failed me for "double stopping too many times" but the examiner was also a jerk and failed others for not doing it at all! [thats what he told them].

So what's the proper way to stop then?




  1. The way that you did it is correct....................

  2. You did it right. Next time get an examiner that knows what he is doing.

  3. in the handbook, it says to stop at the corner if theres not line

  4. There is no Capital Punishment for the "crime" of double stopping. IF there is no visible STOP line to pull to, you are correct in stopping BEHIND the sign and pulling forward as necessary.

    However, in the interest of "safety" WHY did you have to pull forward to "see". What was there to look for? In a neighborhood, there are almost ALWAYS 4 way stops so you would have been able to "see" any opposing traffice to your left or right.

    IF you canot see effectively enough at 5'1" tall to drive without "sniffing" every inch of the pavement perhaps you should summit yourself to some medevil torture devices (like the rack) to increase your length.

    In the Hypocratic oath of the medical profession, the implication is to "first, do no harm". In modern day driving, the first oath is "thou shall not submit my fellow drivers to delays and ambiguities resulting from my own personal shortcomings" (no pun intended)

  5. The correct way is to stop being such a nice person and punch your examiner in the mouth. (You can do it if you want, but don't blame me.)

    Just read up on the book and then ask your examiner or a separate instructor to help you figure these things out. It helps to drive around a bit even with just a parent or some other adult and just stop at the correct location and start looking even before you get to the stopping line. Then stop at the designated area and begin moving forwards but don't stop again unless you have to to see or another car coming. Also move your seat up (vertical/altitude) if it is adjustable that way. (It was in my '92 Olds sedan, but not in my '01 Saturn coupe), then move it forwards to make it easier to reach the pedals with the height and also with vision.

    Hope this helps, but then even after a while when you pass the test driving will become more natural, safer, and more efficient as you quit doing the B.S. they make you go through in Drivers Education and the liscencing process.

  6. You are doing it correctly,  do not proceed into the intersection unless you can be sure of any approaching traffic.

    Deuce,   " In a neighborhood, there are almost ALWAYS 4 way stops so you would have been able to "see" any opposing traffice to your left or right."       Your statement makes the assumption that the other traffic is going to stop just because there is a sign.   Never assume,   that will get you hit.

  7. you always pull up so you have a full view then stop 3 seconds, where you stop you must always have full view

  8. From what you have told me, you did the right thing.

    If there is no white line, stop behind the STOP sign completely (you'll feel a slight jerk when you stop fully).  If your view of the cross street is obstructed (by bushes or buildings), remove your foot from the break slowly and ease forward until you can see.  Once you can see, stop again, check traffic, and proceed.

    Unfortunately, there are some testers who choose to fail first time drivers...good luck.

  9. what my instructior told me was if there is no white line stop at the stop sign and ease your way up tell you can see or stop at the end of the curb. or sidewalk

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