
How do you count points in Go?

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Like Go the Japenese board game. How do you count points? (not on the computer like in real life)




  1. firstly.. i identify your enemies territory and your own.

    and then each intersection in your territory counts as a point..

    the intersection is where you would play a go stone.

    those empty intersections in your territory counts as a point.

  2. how many pieces you captured is minus to the opponent's score and spaces in your teritory is your score

  3. Usually you could the number of spaces one has in his/her territory. Do not count dame (which are spaced in the middle of black and white boundaries). An intersection unoccupied by a stone in your territory is considered one point.

    Also, you can move stones around (w/o moving the boundaries) so that territories become the shape of rectangles. Use your multiplication methods and count stones that way. Then add the number of prisoner stones that you have to that as well as provide 6.5 stone compensation for the one playing white.

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