
How do you cover a toybox with fabric and foam?

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I have an old toybox that I'd like to cover with fabric and foam to make it double as a seat. I'd also like the sides to be soft for a child's room. It has a hinged lid.




  1. i wish that i knew, but i do not

    though what i can tell you is to go to your nearest fabric store or a place like that

    i work at one and a few of the women that work there have done projects similar to that and would know and could tell you. they also should have all of the necessary materials for your project.

    i would say that going to a place and asking someone in person would be a better bet than reading it online.

  2. first try to remove the lid from its hinges,

    1.sit a block of soft foam or felt about 3 inches thick ontop of the lid, no need for sticking but temporerily sticking in place may make things easier,

    2.lay out fabric on floor pattern facing down ( about 5 inches larger all the way round) the lid and sponge down, sponge side down and fold edges of fabric over onto the bottom of the lid (the part now facing up)

    4. using a staple gun roughly staple fabric down few times to hold in place

    5 finally pull in each edge of fabric and re staple in place to secure in place tightly untill the fabric on the top of the lid is tight and even.. re s***w onto the hindges

    hope this helped.

    good luck!


    for the sides i would suggest you use a similar technique on a few sheets of thin mdf board cut to size and glue them to the

    sides (using a child safe glue such as pva wood glue) remember the sides would be more difficult to do,

    alternatively you can try to use a similar technique as for the lid on the sides although might require more skill

    again good luck

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