
How do you cover up scars on a child thats 9?

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My nephew is a real jacka$$ and hes 15 and he beat up my son who is only 8 when he was supposed to be taking care of him because he was not "listening". What do I do to cover up the scars? I don't want people to think my kid got beat up. I was thinking sunglasses and make-up? Though if kids figure out its make-up, they won't let him forget it until high school. Help me out!




  1. tell your child to say he fell. make up is unforgivable... then again, when applied right, no will ever know. and if they do find out... he can always say he fell and it's tinted medicine.  

  2. how bad? like punched in the eye and scratches on the face?

    i would have been soo mad if someone did that to my kid.

    do not let him watch your child ever again--i wouldnt..

    if you get some cover up that really matches that you can blend it, test it out to see if it works fine..

  3. Keep him away from your Nephew. For a 15 year old he should know better than to beat up an innocent 8 year old. Don't let him take care of him Anymore. Your brother sounds very irresponsible for not dealing with this. Keep the child home from school until it clears up. Keep ice on it. He doesn't need this kind of abuse.  

  4. you say he is 9 then in the description u say hes 8?....and u say scars but why would u need makeup. is it scars or is it scabs and black and blues? dont cover up with makeup and sunglasses tho that would look more questionable...

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