
How do you create the effect of having only one color appear in a photo and have the rest be black and white?

by Guest45454  |  earlier

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Like say there was wedding photo and the girls had red dresses and you wanted just the dresses to be in color (red) and everything be black and white. What is the effect called that makes you allowed to do this?




  1. If you don't want to deal with layers....

    - Select the item(s) you want to leave in color.

    - Invert the selection

    - Convert to black-and-white (or desaturate)

    - Voila


    first upload your photo , then click create , now click effects. then click black & white. then , select your brush size and then go over the stuff that you want to have colour. or click reverse effect and do the opposite.

    hope this helps. :)

  3. Here is the Photoshop procedure, but you can do the same thing in GIMP

    As is true of many procedures in Photoshop, there are several ways of doing selective color. This is a quick and easy method.

    First open your photo in your edit program.

    Then go to Layer - Duplicate Layer

    Click OK

    Then go to Image - Adjustments - Hue / Saturation

    Drag the Saturation slider all the way to the left to make the photo black and white.

    Click OK

    Then get the ERASER tool from the tool box on the left side of the screen. It is usually the next tool under the clone stamp tool. Just hover your mouse over the tool, and it will say Eraser.

    When you have selected the Eraser, go up to the Brush options box at the top of the screen, and click on the downfacing arrow. Set the Hardness of the brush to 100% so you will have accurate control of selection. You may also need to raise or lower the brush size to suit.

    Erase away any black and white from where you want the color to be revealed.

    When done go to

    Layer - Flatten Image

    Then just do a Save As to wherever you want to save the photo.

    hope this helps you


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