
How do you curb your ambitions and settle down with what you already have?

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I mean employment wise but I am happy to hear about


-travel bugs



-luxury items

etc etc




  1. I guess the first thing you need to do is search yourself and find out what YOU really NEED to make you happy. This applies to any of the items you have listed above. There shouldn't really be any need to 'curb' anything - If you really NEED something to make you happy, you WILL find a way of getting it - I speak from 63yrs life experience. The secret is defining what you NEED compared to what you 'want'.

    Yes! I would love a million dollars, a beautiful old Jaguar car and a mansion overlooking a beautiful beach> BUT I am not prepared to work myself to death, use nefarious, stealing or cheating means to get that..... I want an easy enjoyable life that allows me time to do what I want to do.Life should be fun not a permanent drudge!

  2. I is an open question, since I have no idea what your ambitions are. In my case I decided early in life to get a non-boring, secure and reasonably well paying job with early retirement. Obviously the government. I am now happily retired since 55 with a rather good pension.

    PS: I travel a lot.

  3. You should never have to settle for anything.  To settle is to say that you're taking what you can get.  If you don't have exactly what you want, keep working for it.

  4. NEVER settle. Always strive for more.

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