
How do you cure a bunny that has diherea!?

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My bunny has had diherea (bad) for about 3 days now, and I'm really concerned! My bunny is about 8 years old, and has never gotten it before. I don't know what caused it... The only thing I can think of is I let him outside of his cage (as I do weekly) to allow him to hop around in his enclosure and eat grass, and (as always) I monitored him...I'm thinking he could have possbly eaten some kind of plant that gave him diherea... but in anycase I'm wanting to know what to do to stop the diherea. Also he hasn't been eating as much of his pellet bunny food as usual, (do to him having diherea I assume) What do you suggest I do!? Please if you have any knowledge about the subject, let me know a.s.a.p!!!!

Thanks to all who reply! :)




  1. Just like in humans, there's not much you can do. The only thing you can hope and give him lots of comfort and love. He should get better. Call a vet and ask, he may have some sort of infection.

  2. You take it to the vet.  There's something seriously wrong.  Diarrhea in a rabbit for more than 12 hours means a vet visit as they have very sensitive digestive tracts and if left untreated they will rapidly dehydrate, their digestion will come to a halt (GI stasis) and your bunny can die.  It's important to seek treatment right away when a rabbit shows any signs of illness.  

    Add: There's some rabbit vet recommendations here for Ohio and Indiana:  I don't think a good rabbit vet would recommend putting him down unless they find something like advanced cancer that would be unreasonable to attempt to treat.  I have a 13 year old rabbit now, and have not had one pass away under 10 before, other than one rabbit with liver cancer.

  3. Find a vet

  4. Supposedly, oatmeal can cure diaherhea.

    As for vets, you can go on and look for vets.  

  5. A rabbit with diarreah, especially an older rabbit like yours, can go downhill fast. So for future reference, diarreah should always be treated IMMEDIATELY to have a better chance of saving him. Here's what I suggest:

    1. Remove all pellets. Feed grass hay, rolled oats, and water ONLY.

    2. Get some fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt for him. Make sure it is not lowfat, you want the full fat with live cultures in it. Syringe as much of this into him as you can, keeping in mind his small stomach. The extra sugar in the fruit will give his blood sugar an extra boost which, at this point, could be the difference between life and death.

    3. Also, make sure he does not get dehydrated. If he is not drinking/eating, be sure to syringe some water into him as well.

    Hopefully this will help. By feeding these things, you should notice that the diarreah will firm up quickly and he should be back to normal within a few days.

    The cause of the diarreah was probably the grass he ate. Any sudden change in diet, especially involving fresh veggies or plants, can cause illness in rabbits. Their digestive systems are fragile and any new foods should be introduced very gradually, in small amounts, over a period of time.

    Good luck!

  6. take it to a vet in the  mean time give it some plain boiled rice

  7. first things first:

    is the stools watery or normal?if it's watery p**p,it's a really dangerous kind of diarhea and it may kill the rabbbit if you won't take it to the vet.

    if the rabbit is having normal stools but are having lots of it,the best thing to do is to place it on a pellet and hay based diet for about a vegetables,fruits and greens.this should stop the diarhea.

    also,if it has a normal diarhea,it must still eat normally.diarhea will normally have no effect on the diet of the rabbit.but if it's not eating,it should be taken to the vet immedietely.

    i hope i helped!

  8. You haven't gotten the right advice so far, so here it is. A bunny that is eight weeks old should not be outside his cage eating grass.  As a rule, baby domestic bunnies should not have anything but pellets for the first 6 months.  This means no treats. The reason for this is simple:  DIARHEA!!  They have a very sensitive digestive system.  You don't need to take him to the vet, all he needs is some willow.  Yes that simple.  Willow leaves and or branches, right off the tree.  Its best if you learn how to take care of your bunnies ailments yourself from a local breeder because most vets get it wrong and an honest vet will tell you this is true.

  9. DO NOT give him/her to much lettuce or carrots ETC. or anything with lots of water broccoli isn't to bad but feed him Dry stuff like small bread chunks and seeds

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