
How do you cure a slice in your golf swing?

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I have tried everything from turning my wrist to placing the ball in my stance different to closing the club head, and changing my stance to a draw stance so I swing inside out and nothing seems to work? I am looking for a solution.




  1. Make your swing with the left hand (for RH), and point the butt of the handle toward the ball when going back and when going forward.

  2. start your swing from the inside and make sure you release your hands........

    Most likely it is your to a pro and have him adjust your grip to a stronger grip

  3. Diagnosis without consultation is malpractise

    We can suggest things that may work, but until you identify what you are doing, you don't know what to change.

    Take a video camera to the driving range with you.

    Also, draw a spot on your ball where you hit it (lipstick or something). That will show you the point of impact on the club head. (eg. If you hit the ball right of center, the ball wil slice. Shuffle 1/2 inch closer to the ball and see if that helps)

  4. Assuming your are right handed.......when you are starting your down swing, take the back of your left hand (or the face of your watch) and push it straight at your target, then after contact "shake hands with the target". Whip your right wrist around....but not too much, you will start duck-hooking it.

  5. Try slowing down your swing a little bit and making sure that all of your mechanics are right, make sure you are transferring your weight properly, your wrists don't c**k or uncock too early. Another helpful thing is to picture a straight line running through your ball and make the clubhead follow that line through impact. Also take a look at your right shoulder(if you are a righty, left if you're a lefty) and see where it ends up at your finish. Too high like up and touching your chin is gonna be a draw and way too low it will probably go right. Play around with that stuff, fixing a slice is hard, it just takes hard work and the building of a more consistent swing.

  6. um have your club open not closed also place your feet where you want to hit it

  7. dont cut across it when u hit the ball swing away from your body dont try to pull your arms left or it will put spin on it making it go more right

  8. I found a bunch of golf tips at that may help you out.  I just started golfing not to long ago and I found these helpful hints and they have really helped out my swing:)

  9. Try Slowing Your Swing Down A Touch.

    Make Sure You Hands Are In Front Of The Ball On Your Set Up.

    And Make Sure Your Grip Is Correct (Favoring Strong).

  10. A slice is caused by the clubhead being open at impact thus putting the left to right spin on the ball.  Without seeing you swing we can't tell what is causing your clubface to be open.  It could be your grip, not releasing the hands at impact (holding on and holding the face open), or the most common, the over the top downswing.  Since you have tried many things without success I would urge you to get a lesson from a professional.  Like many golfers I suspect your fundamentals need work.

  11. you could put the ball a little farther back or a little more forward in you stance depending on where you set up regularily. try gripping the club with a strong grip

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