
How do you cut chicken?

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I need to cook healthy, and I've cooked chicken b*****s by themselves. The first issue I have is that it takes forever to cook chicken b*****s (the boneless skinless ones.)

The second issue I have is I'd like to cut them in little pieces (like for stir-fry.) How do I do that?

Thanks for your advice!




  1. I say grab a sharp knife and cut away. There is no going wrong when cutting chicken. I cut them really thin or in 2-inch cubes. Once I throw them in a wok those babies are cooked in less than 10 minutes.  

  2. You have a distorted time-sense!

    First thaw the b*****s, then slice across the short way, on a board.

  3. Just slice it into bite size pieces. then pan fry or grill however you like it.

  4. my first question is how exactly are you cooking these boneless skinless b*****s that they're taking forever? a boneless skinless breast takes about 15 minutes to bake in the oven, and less to cook in a pan on the stove.

    as far as slicing for stir-fry, just cut them into strips any way you please. you don't have to worry about going "against the grain" when it comes to chicken, as there is no fat marbling and the protein is entirely different than it is in beef. however you slice it won't make it more or less tender. it's not overcooking that determines if you will have juicy or dry chicken. white meat (or breast meat, as you are using) is fully cooked when an instant read thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the meat reads 160 degrees. if you're slicing it up for stir-fry, it will cook very quickly; when it's lightly browned on the outside and there's no pink in the center, it's done.

  5. Slice it from one end to another, against the grain.  

  6. The easiest way to cut your chicken b*****s is when they are partially frozen, almost thawed but still have some ice crystals in it. Soooo much easier than trying to cut totally thawed chicken.  But sometimes you just have to.  Cut into strips longwise about an inch thick then cut the other way across so that you have cubed chicken. Very easy.

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