
How do you dance????

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I SUCK at dancing!!! What are some good tips cause my 8th grade graduation dance is coming up! HELP PLEASE???




  1. watch dance videos and try out some of the moves in it.

    i am a b-boy...............

  2. i dance by myself, akwardly. u dont have to dance, u know. I always felt like calling it a dance automatically almost forces you to think you have to dance, but you dont, really. but if you still must dance..a few tips... dont out-do yourself, keep it simple and practice keeping a beat. if your really not good y(as u said) your not going to impress anyone, so a better goal would be not to make a dork outta urself :)


    don't worry if you look like a total dweeb

    dancing is about having fun not looking good

    Don't think you look bad

    If you think you look bad then you will look bad

    be confident and you will look good

  4. haha, don't worry about it. just make sure you move to the beat. you could simply shift your weight from ur left foot to your right foot to the beat. but make sure your knees are bent. then just move ur arms around. move your shoulders to the beat, swinging right to left. i would fold my arms so my hands are like touching my shoulders almost but instead do some snaps to stay on beat, and smile. just don't be self-conscious cuz it'll come off that way to everybody. don't over do anything like freakdancing. it'll just look bad. if anything just move your hips and kinda watch wat the others are doing.

  5. some ways to become good at dancing are to get someone to tape one of your routines and watch it and to see the areas that you can improve in.

    taking regular classes with an instructor can also be good!

    if you want you could ask your instructor on areas that you could improve or things that may need a bit of working on!

    taking regular classes can also make many different movements familiar in your mind so that when you perform these movement you can be confident!

    all it takes is a bit of practice

    good luck

    i hope this helped

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