
How do you de-rat a ratted Hannah Montana wig??

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My little girl's wig looks like it's had a rough life. Anyone know how to bring life back to it? I DON'T want to have to buy another one!!! (Didn't want THIS one)




  1. Oh how I understand this problem, unfortunately we didn't have much luck. My daughters Hannah Montana wig was ratted and we tried to use a gentle shampoo and de-tangle conditioner with a wide tooth comb. Didn't work she finally said never mind mom, next time I won't waste my money :o)

  2. Unfortunately, it's probably made out of some synthetic plastic material which resembles hair, much like a Barbie doll's hair.  There's not much you can do in terms of de-ratting it. Sorry I couldn't be of much more help.

  3. Slather it up with cheap conditioner and fill the kitchen sink with water.  Hold it under water and comb it out.  You might need to reapply the conditioner.  I've done this with many a doll and a toddler's hair.

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