
How do you deal, with this kind of loneliness?

by Guest61503  |  earlier

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You know no-one wants or has the need to talk to you. You feel isolated. Even the activities you attend, offer little social interaction.




  1. Your in a rut.Get out there and find something to invigorate yourself,something you wouldn't normally see yourself doing i.e a different kind of social interacton,you need refreshing.

  2. That's what i have been asking myself for a while now but all i find is the emptiness within my heart. Which is slowly but surely consuming me from the inside and all my attempts to stop it have failed. i know that this does not help you but at least it lets you know that you are not alone. Many other people suffer just like you do and somehow they live through it. But even with this my loneliness still grows and i fear will destroy me

  3. find one friend, keep close to them, eventually your network will grow.

  4. Loneliness is a total b****! I try to focus on life. I do what i need to get done. Watch movies or tv to get things off my mind. I found a friend who i just talk to when i feel like that. I try to go out, go for walks. Also asking my friends if they want to hang out. Or i sign online, talk to some people, answer some yahoo questions, go on a forum. play video games. Just find something that consumes your time, therefore it distracts you from your mind.  

  5. (: Join a forum? That way you talk to someone.

    Join a club that people have to talk in (like a language club).

  6. you just cant ask others to be interested on you. better yet decide to be interested on others. this might help if your going to make the next move.

  7. I retreat into myself. I amuse myself by inwardly laughing at the absurdity of everything. I escape to the internet, books, and tv. I meditate. I plan for the future. I eat lots of junk food. Recently I took a leap and threw myself into a good college. Still haven't met anyone, but I'm too tired and stressed to really care anymore.

  8. bs with me I can talk for hours. LOL  

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