
How do you deal this kind of answer?

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"ignorance is not an excuse"

sometimes you don't see things like other does. and the next thing you know is that they yell at you because you are sstup*d a newbee or whatever bad stuff and im like, WTH did i just do? just because i didn't see it it doesn't mean that im being ignorant!

how do you deal this kind of answer anyway?




  1. ignore the arrogant muppet who said it! :D LOL

  2. You didn't do anything. Some people get off on making other people feel small. They have low self esteem and to feel good about themselves they go round belittling others so they can sit there smugly and tell themselves they are better than that person. Don't let them get to you, completely ignore it because their opinion means nothing and try to remember that lots of people here can see straight through their stupid little mind games so you have support from those people.

  3. That is tough to have to deal with.  I just sorry you have to be there and listen to that kind of abuse...That is not smart in any way or form to talk like that. Sounds like a very immature person...

    You might give them this personalized book that talks about them and how they can change into a more positive and helpful person in this life. They evidently do need some help. There is a smarter and better way to talk to people. Shows ignorance there.  Sorry !!  I don't usually use that term either. This book will help those insecurities for a person who definitely has a very poor image to keep up...They could change, I think...They need to change,  I know !

    This book is on the site below and you can actually see the book as you fill out the first page with the info there..Great helpt to someone who can be helped.  Including myself, I love mine !

  4. I really really really didn't get a single ******* thing of what you just said.  

  5. just because i didn't see it it doesn't mean that I'm being ignorant!

    answer: no you're a blind selfish person. why don't you stop and think for a moment and put yourself in there shoes for once in there life Biaatch ' with that accent ones uses when they say that, with attitude =)

  6. Ignorance is bliss.


    But really, if you are uncomfortable with an answer - ignore it. It isn't worth your time to be so troubled by it.

  7. You're not giving much information about the context of how "ignorance is not an excuse" was used, but I would say that if someone believes you're ignorant then go find their name, address, phone number, date of birth, etc.

    I'm just joking, simply put, you're online, and ignorant people will say ignorant things to you because you're Millions of miles away and they just have an opinion about a complete stranger. Talk about an oxymoron :-|

  8. If I feel that it was not warranted I would simply tell them what you just said, "How was I supposed to know that!" The other thing you can do if its a repeat statement by that person and if what they are accussing you of being ignorant about was something they were supposed to tell you, then tell that person not to go jumping down your throat. I'd stand my ground though to make them know they cant insult me indirectly and get away with it.

  9. tell them that "experience is an excuse."

    with out experience, how would one know what to do?

  10. Hi Shin,

    What people say about you is not about you. It is a reflection of what they are and how they are feeling. So people who say things like that are telling you that they are miserable. Happy people will treat you nicely.

    If someone attacks you on the street, does it mean that there is something wrong with you or them? See site below to learn more about this and how to be happier.

  11. Hi,

    It appears to me by what you stated that the other party showed their lack of intellect by treating you that way. They didn't seem to have the common intelligence to realize that not everyone is at the same point or as experienced as they are on whatever the topic may be.

    Keep your head hi. It doesn't pay to get defensive about it. Then you are just sinking to their level which is what they were trying to get you to do in the first place. They attacked you to make themselves feel like they are better than you. You know the truth. Pay it no attention. Rise above it.

    A little long, but I hope it helps.

  12. maybe its not you that is being ignorant. you cant help what other people see that is different than yourself. its not your fault. and no one has the right to call you stupid. so its not your ignorance you need to worry about its theirs.

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