
How do you deal with Stress and anxiety

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What is your ritual or somthing you do in stressful situations or things our have no controll over?




  1. Hey there!

    I wrote an article for about stress tips.  I think it could really help you deal with the uncontrollable.

    Check it out:


  2. meditate, chant Hindu mantras.

    i....[pre-freak my self]

    i go to a stresser like the doctors , then go home, then go back to the doctors office, the stress is less.

    because i [allowed my self to fail] and i was all right with it.


    pace a lot

  3. i have a panic disorder and agoraphobia, and i am constantly looking for ways to calm my mind.

    little things like, playing sudoku, or piano, or reading, it all depends on where you are (obviously you cant walk around with a piano in your back pocket) but something that i have found really good, is Rescue Remedy; it relaxes your mind and takes away unwanted stressful thoughts, but its not like taking harmful addictive medication, because it is totally natural. i would recommend it to any1.

    hope this helps. :)

  4. I used to feel the same way. Please take this into consideration. It worked for me, although I am not you.

    I had overwhelming anxiety. It turned out to be my use of Splenda. Yup Splenda. How could something that taste so good, be so bad?

    I like to say sucralose, not Splenda, because that is what Splenda is. And it is in a lot of stuff. Sadly, the package doesn't have to say Splenda or diet to have sucralose in it. You have to read labels. So, you might be using it and don't even know it!

    Sucralose is poison. It ruined five years of my life. I had a laundry list of medical problems while taking it, including overwhelming anxiety, depression, mood swings, insomnia, gastrointestinal issues and more.

    Go ahead, google: anxiety splenda or anxiety sucralose or insomnia splenda or insomnia sucralose

    The slogan, "Made from sugar..." is very misleading. Splenda might be made from sugar, but it is far from sugar. The resulting chemical is an organochloride (chlorocarbon). Organochlorides are typically poisons.

    carbon monoxide - made from oxygen so its like a breath of fresh air

  5. There are many things that cause me stress in my everyday life. From being a single mom, my boyfriend, and my controlling mom, it is all stress. I have foudn a few ways to deal with stress in a positive matter. I wrote about them in my blog at prevention. Read about the techniques that work for me.

  6. I don't have that problem, but I know a lot of people who do.  It seems most people take drugs of some sort.  Some pop pills.  Some drink.  Some smoke pot.  Some get messages and take hot baths.  Some meditate.

  7. enjoy simple things.

  8. i smoke some marijuana

    it really tones down the day

    make sure you only smoke a little cause if you over do it then it

    can actually cause anxiety

  9. Breathe deeply; think of all the fallen persons that I know, who are dead; and realize I am living and strong.  Now I feel better!

  10. Hi, I am the author of

    Do not worry, I am not spamming my site - my site don't sell products or anything. My site is solely dedicated to panic-attacks or people whom have anxiety. I give tips on how to sleep even if you have anxiety.

    Please do visit and post any questions there or here so that I can help you further.

    I have been a sufferer for 12-years and am doing well. My blog is dedicated to help. I will be updating my blog every 5-7 days on new ways to cope anxiety. I have just made few good entries on coping - I hope it will help you.

    I started out taking prozac 20mg daily.. then it dropped to 10mg and now I am just taking 5mg and still doing very well. I might be considering taking medication off my life.

    And most importantly, I am here to help you because I know how it feels to have anxiety or panic attacks.

    I think you have panic-attacks. Please see my introduction entry to see and confirm the symptoms.

    There are free tips and free items on relaxation and such for you to download!

    All the best,


  11. I have anorexia.

  12. cry my eyes out and remind myself when it gets to that point, theres a knife in the kitchen.

  13. Take deep breaths

    Scream into pillows

    Realize that the problem could be MUCH worse

    pray (if you are religious)


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