
How do you deal with Sun square Moon?

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I'm discovering that it is an awful aspect to have....How do you personally handle your squares? Hard work and will power?




  1. Hey Rach,

    I don't have that aspect,but i do have sun square pluto,and sun square ascendant,and mars square saturn,and those are really hard aspects to deal with so don't complain..haha,and i'll trade you if you want to.The way i deal with them is just by trying to deal with those negative energies by pushing myself as hard as i can. Sun square pluto is really hard because inner tension is what i have to deal with a lot with this aspect,and mars square saturn makes me kind of come off as cold emotionally,but i don't think that i am that way at all,and i try to overcome these squares by being more aware of my weaknesses.

  2. Hi Rachstar

    This aspect often shows up when parents fight with each other or often in disagreement. I don't have this square as you mentioned but I wouldn't look for popularity, as it would propbably influence me. A person has to use care in safeguarding his or her honour, protect their credit and exercise caution and diplomacy in dealings with their superiors or those in authority.

    On a higher level, a person with this aspect will have some difficulty using their resources to satisfy their desires. One would resent that they must make adjustment in order to get what they want from life.

    If you have this aspect, you must learn to bring your emotions and your will into line and subdue them with intellect and organization. One might think that any response would satisfy the will to achieve significance, but this person would haveto realize that only hard work and self-control could get him or her, what they need.

    Comfortable domestic conditions may be impossible unless you can get that chip off your shoulder. This aspect makes a person argumentative and defensive, probably because oftheir emotional insecurity. This canbe reversed if one changes their fighting attitude and compromise a little more.

  3. I have this aspect too! but im new to astrology so im sorry but i cant really help. This question made me look at my chart and i see that i have A LOT of squares and based on these people's answers it seems like a really bad thing :(

    So if you ever find out the answer let me know!

  4. Oh, that's a tough's very promising, however.

    Squares usually include much tension...which can be translated in precious energy when used the right way. It's usually hard to bring the two of them in agreement- especially since we're talking about 2 personal planets which affect the person quite radically.

    I only have 1 square in my chart and I have to admit I'm still on the way of managing to deal with it. I realized its actual influence very recently and I reckon the only way to face it is by being insistent and constantly questioning and/or analyzing your own behaviour...Not the easiest thing to do...It sort of feels like baby-sitting your own self...It requires discipline and flexibility (sort of like a combination of Fixed and Mutable the right places)

    Of course, you should always look at the positive side...By the time you'll make these 2 co-operate harmonically, your relationship with others will improve in a large degree. Also, you will feel much more at ease and comfortable with your own self...And if nothing else, your self-confidence will be boosted since you managed to achieve such an important goal :)

  5. Hi Rachstar, Dealing with squares is never easy... the first step I would say for you to overcome it is to accept & understand it then give it some work. Balancing your sun's needs with your moon's & mixing the two together in order to help yourself instead of hurting yourself. And, wheather you know it or not you are already in that process of 'dealing' with it. Wisdom & balance comes through just going through this stuggling aspects makes you stronger & centered in the long run. I say let it run it's course & you will soon learn to be balanced between those two signs. I think reading to much into it & seeing how bad it potentailly can be for you makes it worst. Just know it is a struggle & a lesson that you will over come in life. And, even though your sun sign & moon sign have different ways of expression they can still work together in harmony. A time to think & a time to feel...learning how to be detached one moment & another to be clingy is perhaps a thing to work on...or learning how to let go etc etc. It is all within you & you will deal with it just like you have been dealing with it your whole life & you will continue to do so. Just because you feel the struggle of your sun & moon doesn't mean you give up, you get throw it & develope something good from it. Always learn from things so you can avoid it the next time around, look forward to it again, or so you know handle it again. When ever life gives you problems thats what you comes naturally to you. See the things in your way & also the things helping you within your chart...look within yourself. So in a way you already 'deal' with it...just that you have a few issues here and there. It is not like you feel conflicted 24/7... And a good pratical yet sentimental mental set helps a lot...the mind can work wonders if you believe it can. Inner & outer balance can come later or sooner in's just how you have strength to reach it emotionally & mentally. Identify your problem, reflect on it, and express yourself...see what your sun needs & want your moon needs & how they can work together. Just know it is not awful, bad, or unlucky just hard & nothing else... I hope I helped you out! :D ;D :D

  6. Hi Hurricane,

    I only have two squares...i dont whether it is a good thing or a bad

    Mars Square Jupiter 0.11 -107

    Mars Square Pluto 1.08 -85

    apparently I'm very

    107 Square Mars - Jupiter

    He refuses to accept any guidance. He lacks forethought, acts impulsively and sometimes imprudently, which can cause problems. He wants everything yesterday and uses whatever means necessary to achieve his objectives, even if they are dishonest or not very commendable. His emotional life is fraught with quarrels and sometimes violent conflicts.

    85 Square Mars - Pluto

    He is violent, brutal, irascible and succeeds in crushing others, without giving it a thought.

    LOL @ square Mars- pluto...I'm so evil....muahahha

    Edit: I know, isn't cool? succeeds in crushing others, without giving it a thought....hahaha...I love it...:P

  7. I have it. My Sagittarius Moon is constantly conflicting my Virgo sun. I really used to hate it because I never knew what I really wanted. Have Fun? Or be responsible?

    People used to call me bi-polar, moody, you name it. Sometimes, It still feels as if there are 2 parts to me, The Sagittarius side and the Virgo side.

    But then I really started reading about it. And understanding just what exactly a square is. I've found that most websites say how horrible it can be, problems between the "soul" and "emotions". What they don't say is just how powerful it can be! Once a a square is embraced, it can bring a very powerful personality to the owner.

    I found this piece of info on the internet:

    .....And finally you should start using the positive side of this aspect. The main idea is to use this internal anger and lack of satisfaction on improving your situation (both spiritual and material). The secret is to focus it on the productive area of your life and to apply an extreme control. Set targets before starting something and do not change them until you accomplish your goals. Doing link this you will be able to use a very powerful energy that exists in you and you will be able to do great things.

    I think that while this aspect can be REALLY confusing, feeling-wise, it can be a positive thing too if we just learn how to actually use it properly.

    =). Good Luck

  8. I don't have this aspect . . . But I know others who do.

    People who have squares have strong personalities. Usually the hard energy of the square is directed towards others. People with squares don't understand way they rub people the wrong way so at times its difficult to get along with them.

    The positive is that Squares give you endurance and will power. Working long hours or burning the candle at both ends is like cake to these people, so they get more accomplished.

    Now, when there's a square between the sun and the moon, there may have been issues or conflicts between the parents. There may have been argument's or some sort of frustrations. So the lesser brings that negative energy that they learned from there family or parents into interactions with other people. These people are in some way difficult to live with. I don't have this aspect but i know a few people who do and all are women. They tend to be untidy , undomesticated, stubborn and have poor hygiene's. It all depends on the whole chart. But Squares make it easy to accomplish goals . So consider yourself lucky

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