
How do you deal with Trolls?

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Hi A&S friends.should I be flattered or insulted by my troll?;_ylt=AtRgvNk52HbzCa360WVoeOcBxgt.;_ylv=3?show=bM3bJvJhaa

Can you tell me if you have spotted what he/she/it has answered - I need to see what is being perpetrated in my name...




  1. Apparently, you're a Christian, and you're in love with Calvius... well, "Stardustspex" is in love with "Fabulous Calvius". Fab Clav is actually another account.

    Lets see... I found 2 of her answers, let me see if I can pull them up.

    I would be honored to be impersonated... I would get a kick out of answering the same question my troll did, and see which one they believe... me? Or my evil twin? But then I would report and change my name and picture, but they'd probably find me again.

    EDIT: I do think that this person has multiple accounts above level 2... Brant had a troll that gave him 3 thumbs down for every answer he gave... on these questions everyone received three thumbs down. I've given the exact same 2012 answer multiple times and hardly ever gotten a thumbs down, yet on these were Stardustspex is present we all seem to receive at least 3 thumbs down. Anything above 3 would mean that some other user didn't agree.

  2. Google's quite good at getting around the hiding of Q&As:

    I've reported all the above answers as "Troll", by the way. If someone else wants to do the same, then they'll be deleted.

  3. I'd be flattered if I were you! :)  I've changed my name at least a dozen times, hidden my Q&A and other things to get rid of these people, but they still seem to find me.

    However, I have never had anyone try to imitate me like this.  That's pretty funny.  Have you checked at home?  (e.g. Have you given anyone a failing grade recently?)

    Keeps us up to date of your progress.

  4. I have reported you as violating the guidlines and being insulting to trolls. Shame upon you.

  5. Wow, I wish I was good enough to be impersonated.  What do I have to do people?  Maybe I need another "top contributor" badge or a better avatar.  Anyway, I think the best thing is to just ignore it and it will eventually go away.  

  6. I was going to say that i ignore trolls.  Clearly i've responded this time.

    Interesting profile. They've duped your avatar.  I've not seen any activity from this account.  You can get 129 points without doing anything more than log in daily.  So perhaps this account hasn't done anything.


    It appears you have the support of TC's all over the place.  That's probably a good sign.

    I'll keep a look out, now that i can see what to look for.

    Going forward, several of us can comment on this forever, once it's closed.  We can use this question as a forum.

  7. Oh dear...I saw that before...You've been trolled. I think you should be flattered, I've hung around these areas for ages and never got myself a copy. Be honoured! Its about the only thing you can do lol. BTW your troll sure is a rude little bugger =P he/she/more likely it answered one of my questions before....I was quite surprised, but more bemused. LOL.

  8. I haven't been on very much in the past couple of days so i haven't noticed, i would be annoyed with someone impersonating me but odds are the person doing the impersonating just wants to draw attention to themselves, i would just let them play there little game until they became bored and moved on, that's really all you can do Yahoo Answers Staff is about as helpful as a kick to the head with a steel toed work boot.  

  9. I usually just report them.  There was a guy on here yesterday who posted a 'question' about how the big bang didn't make sense (because he didn't have a clue what it was) and claimed it must have been (his particular) god instead.  It fell under the violations as a rant, not a question, and insulting participants.  I don't know why people even bother replying to that c**p - just report and move on.

  10. I really doubt this troll would be idiotic enough to add anyone to their contacts so that we could see his/her Q&A, so aside from randomly coming across them through your daily perusing of questions, I don't see how anyone could determine what is being said/asked by your cyber-doppleganger.  

    I also noticed in the questions that "Cool Science" linked up, that almost all of the top contributors and legitimate answers on those questions have received EXACTLY three thumbs down, which could just be happenstance, or it could be that this person has at least a couple of profiles that are at level 2 or higher.  (Just speculation).  But I do agree, aside from being irritated, you should be a little flattered as well.  Obviously your knowledge on the subject is intimidating enough for somone to try to defame you.  

    Maybe you can take some comfort in the fact that most of the regulars here DO know (from reading your answers) that the real you knows what you are talking about, and we aren't likely to take into too much consideration what this evil clone has to say.


    Also, if someone does come across a question that this imposter posted, and that asker picks their own best answer, there's a good chance that "best answer" would be one of their other prfiles, and they are trying to accumulate points...  but if they are reading this, they might think twice about that idea now.

  11. You should pour some milk on them, they will die if you do so.

    Ohh now I am concerned of what a troll is... I don't know what it is...

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