
How do you deal with a controlling husband?

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  1. I would get a marriage counselor. I had a controlling husband, we went to counseling, after three sessions she told me that I was fine, and that he needed to continue to see her. It took someone from outside the marriage to step in and tell him that he was not treating me right and that he had issues.

  2. Easy, when he tries to control you, you just LAUGH at his "commands".. He will get pissed but after a while he's gonna get tired and not bit## so much, No onw likes to be laughed at. Why would you wanna be with someone like that anyways? You got one life to live just one and you wanna waist it on a gu like that?

  3. I wouldn't.

  4. Self-esteem is should take pride in yourself and know your worth - then he will respect you once you start respecting yourself.

  5. Stand up  for yourself and take back your control. Marriage is 50/50. and is not about control.

  6. You will have to be strong and tell him that you never married him to be treated like you are...if he does not treat you as you feel he should be then give him the ultimatum...he goes or you go...There is no sense in suffering, everyone deserves to be happy.

  7. It depends on the specifics of the situation - but - if the problem of his controlling is a big problem .. then there is probably nothing much you can do to change him .. you will just continue to be controlled, miserable, unhappy, losing yourself, your feelings change about everything - until one day, you will become numb to life - and not even care about you any more.  If you suffer this for years - you can never replace those years.

    Just know, that rarely does another person change another person.

    A controlling husband will always have it in-him to control .. even when he seems not to be.

    To change this type of thing in your life .. don't look to him for change .. look to yourself to take charge of you - and what you will accept, and not accept.

  8. buck up on him and tell his *** what to do,

  9. well, I'm learning this as i go because my husband likes to be the "boss" and is always out to win the argument even if he knows I'm right or have a better idea.  he cant seem to meet in the middle and compromise much.  We have gotten into many arguments on it, so what I do is just do what i think is right, sometimes, and make decisions on my own, then tell him casually later and he cant seem to find anything to say about it.  i guess its showing that I'm a big girl and can makes choices without him that are good.  Makes me wonder because before we got married, he thought i was so smart and had my S*** together so well, raising 2 kids and bought my home all on my own, THEN we got married and he all the sudden thinks I'm stupid,  I'm an adult and I can make choices to just like he does without me sometimes, like for example, spending money!  I'm not out of control on it,matter of fact I'm a penny pincher and hes not, but at times i just DO and tell later, nothing big, but it makes ME FEEL better.

  10. I got rid of mine and it is the BEST decision I have ever made in my life!

  11. If you are working try and save enough money into a bank account that he does not know about.  When he belittle's you, start to whistle and walk out of the room.  Start making plans to leave this person.  He is not going to change and you cannot change him.  If you don't, you will eventually lose your ability to make decisions and will become severely depressed.  Get away from him.  You can do it!  

  12. You have to set boundaries and stick to them. You may need to work on your self-esteem and get some counseling to help with this.

  13. I'd kick him to the curb.

    I am a free woman...and I expect to be a PARTNER.

    If I am not....he can eff off.

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