
How do you deal with a controlling spouse who is that way because of cultural upbringing?

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My husband is from Mexico and is a controlling person who believes that all men are better than women. I am an independent person who dosn't know how to handle a person like this. How do I put a stop to his increasing controlling behavior?




  1. the more independent you are the more he will control.  you cant change his heritage and belief system - could someone change yours?

    wanst he like this at dating?  

  2. you gotta put ur foot down, if he wants to make the marriage work then he will do what he has to,  if not well sorry, but ur gonna either have to move on or he will.  The situation can be hard...what i dont get, didnt u see this before the marriage??? wouldnt it have made sense if u would have talked to him before the marriage about this?  

  3. my hubby's dad is from mexico and he brought up his son (hubby) to be the traditional macho mexican that tells his "vieja" to do his bidding.  my mom in law is that "vieja".  i am not.  when my hubby and i got together, he thought that his life was gonna be all sweet and roses.  well let me tell you he had a rude awakening.  by the end of the first year of being together i had him helping around the house, washing dishes, helping with laundry everything.  i put my foot down and told him point blank he was NOT his father and i'm sure as h**l NOT his mother.  i don't do ANYONE'S bidding husband or no.  don't get me wrong i do stuff around the house, cook, clean, laundry etc.  but i have help.  you know if i'm going into the kitchen to get a drink of whatever, i ask if he wants something, but he does the same thing.  you need to let him know that you aren't going to be controlled by him no matter what his upbringing.  and fyi?  he's not in mexico anymore!!

  4. leave him

  5. You can't change him that is his way of thinking.

    My husband has fanatic religious ideas about a woman's place in marriage.   These ideas started a few years ago, when he started going to the church he goes to.  He didn't have these ideas or beliefs before.  Your husband like mine think themselves right.   All you can do is stand up for your own ideas and beliefs.  

    You must have had some idea before marriage.  There are always clues.

  6. You married him knowing all this before hand and ignoring it because..........?

    You cannot change or "fix" him.You either accept him as he is,or tell him it is marriage counseling or divorce time.

    Don't be surprised if he goes off on you.

  7. Put your foot down.

    Ask him if he trusts you. If he loves you. If he's ever been proud of you.

    If he says yes to all of the above, then tell him he needs to allow you to be you to keep harmony in the home.

  8. google relationship tips


  9. You either pack up and leave or you choose to live with it.  I chose to pack up and leave my hubby after 10 years of that bull****

  10. Let him know who he married a Independent,Strong person, that who he fell in love with. Talk it out with him and let him know how its hurting you. If he don't stop being controlling then I sorry to say you going have to leave him if you want to be happy.  

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