
How do you deal with a coworker who LOVES Bush?

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I am not a Bush fan, and she keeps talking about how great he is, ALL THE TIME.




  1. Why do you allow it to bother you?  Do you hate him THAT much that it upsets you when someone DOESN'T hate him?

    Would you feel differently if the person loved Brad Pitt instead, and talked about him all the time, but you "hate" Brad Pitt?

    Just smile, and ignore her comments, as if she hadn't spoken them at all.

    Have a polite day.

  2. Tell her you are not interested in discussing politics at work and warn her that you will tell your boss if she doesn´t stop. And you should if this goes on. Gosh, this situation must be annoying. Don´t hit her or anything :D

  3. Well, you know she can't be very bright so I suggest being kind to her as she is obviously feeble minded.

  4. Let people have her own option.

  5. haha id just keep my mouth shut and laugh silently at the idiot

  6. Either ignore her or ask her if she can save the political talk for outside of work. She's entitled to her opinion but work isn't the place for it.

  7. Drop the right word into the ear of her supervisor and have her tested for drugs!

  8. Remember the motto of the United States of America,"E Pluribus Unum". "From Many One". Many opinions,many cultures,religions or political followings,and yet one nation.

    Being from Texas,I don't know how a jerk like Bush ever got elected.

    Maybe you didn't know this but in his last year as Governor of Texas,the Texas Legislature had allotted $24 million for colonias(small  villages who are not incorporated or registered cities) along the Texas/Mexico border to install plumbing for fresh water for the public use.

    But the head honchos for the Republican Party suggested he keep the money and use it for his Presidential campaign.Lets just say that even today,a truck has to come to those villages and refill barrels  of water for the people to use because of no sewage or drinking water was installed.

  9. Tell her that not everyone there shares her opinion, and since she goes on about it so often, it really puts people off.  Perhaps she can change the subject and just talk about her cat or something.  

    Or, you could go on about Clinton and how he left the country with money IN the bank, no national financial disaster, etc.--

    Or you can say, "Ya, he makes me laugh too, with the way he says XX (whatever his gaffe of the day is).  I know all the comedians will miss him because he's so easy to mock!"  

    Or you can say, "Really?  And I thought you had such integrity!"

    But she's a dumb cow and she won't get it.  She's just parroting what she heard.  

    And you thought all the dumb cows were all in Texas--HAH!! :-)

  10. Be content in the knowledge that she's a moron and you're more intelligent than her.  Just think that every time she talks to you, it'll feel great!


  11. Just be thankful he is on his way out... politics or religion in the workplace is a recipe for disaster.

  12. tell her to keep it to herself and you don't like discussing politics

  13. I would laugh in her face!!!

    I would just tell her you don't enjoy talking politics in the work place, and that you would like to be left out of this Bush conversations.

  14. Just say, we all love him.  But it is time to stop talking about him.  Try finding things about McCain and Palin to talk about.

  15. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, however it might be prudent to mention to her that you would rather not discuss politics at work. If she doesn't take the hint, you may have to tell her point-blank that you are not a Bush fan and you don't want to talk about him in anyway, shape or form with her... Good luck!

  16. It is best not to discuss religion or politics in general. I would avoid them or change the subject. She doesn't sound too intelligent.  

  17. Either just let her be as we are all entitled to our opinions or tell her she doesn't need to go on and that you understand she likes him. Or just stay away from her as much as you can if she bothers you that much. But if she is kind of a friend then just be honest and tell her that she goes on a bit much. Maybe she doesn't realise she does it to that extent. Good luck.  :)

  18. If you had a coworker who LOVES Obama (or some other politician) and keeps talking about how great he is, would you complain?

    If yes, then you shouldn't complain about your coworker since she is entitled to her own opinion, no matter how much you disagree.

    If not you could tell her that politics shouldn't be in the workforce - though if I thought Bush was a moron I'd find it amusing, not annoying that someone idolizes him so much.  

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