
How do you deal with a five year old that thinks she right all the time ....?

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does it past ,,, becouse she is the only girl i have the rest of my kids are boys so ever gone threw this stage,,




  1. Oh yeah, a very irritating stage of a childs developement. Most of the time a child can be shown that she doesn't really know it all but generally its a personality trait. The difference is that unlike developemental stages which go away as the child progresses a personality trait will stay with the child.

    So no matter what you do she will probably always "think" she knows what is what but she needs to learn to not verbalize it all the time. Tell her flat out that "nobody likes a know it all" and that it is irritating to adults. Remind her when she starts to do it for a while. Most kids will stop once you push it a little.

    Most likely will be the next step - when she starts to say " I knew that" to everything = handle that one the same way.

  2. Its a good lesson.  Learning  not to be prideful,  but to humble yourself.  That is how you learn from people.  Explain it to her in a way that she will understand.

  3. Try and tell her it is ok to be wrong sometimes and that we learn from mistakes.

  4. give her reasons why she's wrong and why your right.

  5. Show her, teach her.

    If she is wrong about something teach her what is right. If she is right, she is right and tell her good job!

    It will do her no good once in school if she thinks she is right about everything, and you have done nothing to teach her what is right.

    You may just have a very smart kid on your hands! Make sure she has books around, the computer in a public place within the home and plenty of learning tools. Smart kids are a handful! and keeping up can be entertaining, but do this and school problems will not be educational necessarily (unless it is being to board), the problems will or might be social. Getting along with other kids.

    I am very proud of my mom being a teacher and having plenty of books and material around when we were kids, it sure helped when in school.

    Good luck!!

  6. I had a sister in law that was right no matter how wrong she was and cost her a life of loneliness and distrust.  She was the only girl...Always complained that she had no friends.  Then you have the lying to contend with after this phase.  I call it a phase that needs work...The easiest way I found to deal with it is to tell her "for every thing you do or say there are consequences"  She is exploring her world for limits and answers...

  7. You say your other kids are boys.

    She might just be using it as a way of asserting herself in a male dominated environment.

    Discus her views with her in an "adult" way and make sure you use debate rather than argument, sometimes, she may actually be right.

  8. It's just her personality--she'll always think she's right. It's your job to explain that she's not always right. Part of it is being five, but most of it is her personality.

  9. Listen I have a 3 year old almost 4 and it is the same shes thinks she always right and tries I said tries to do what she wants to do all the time. You need to punish her so what is exceptible behavior and what is not and never change it. Do not let her do what she wants one minute and it is not okay the next! Children get confused that way.Also if you never punish for the behavior they know they can get away with it! Children are smarter than most people get credit for, she knows what shes doing and it is up to you to put and end to it!

  10. it doesn't matter if she thinks she right. what matters is you set limits and love her even when she's obnoxious. my son thinks he's always right. always has - my standard line is "thanks for sharing, but you still have to...."

  11. dont all of us females think were always right? i mean most of the time we are. just kidding on a more serious note it probably is her personality. my 2 yr old little girl argues w/ me about which color shoes to wear! its a girl thing they have strong personalities, whats her sign? i would try just telling her honey your not always going to be right, explain to her that its ok to be wrong and you have to learn from it. tell her that you have been wrong before and maybe if she is around to witness it you should take the time out to explain "see mommy thought this and i was wrong..." and if you know your right about a situation and it is petty and she is still arguing w/ you let it be, pick your battles try giving up, i am a nanny for a boy who is 7 and we went thru that i just said "ok Shawn whatever" then about 3 min later he would say "yea your right" i guess me just agreeing and dropping the subject bothered him.... so good luck hope it helps.

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