
How do you deal with a manger?

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Our manager seems to hate me. She attacks me all the time to the point I don't want to go outside in fear of running into her. We are trying to sell our home to move away from her but in the meantime its been rough. She talks all sweet to my husband when there is a problem but yells and threatens me. We have broken the rules with our dog and take resposiability but she has a complaint about everything we do and even has said that we are young and expected to mess up. Her son is the same age as us and lives at home plays the drums all day and smokes pot. We always try to follow the rules and have never been late on rent. The way she threatens and yells at me I am scared we will be evicted and lose our home.




  1. Tell her (in a bright and breezy tone) that she will need to change her tone of voice before you have time to talk with her----then just walk away.

    She does not have the right to speak to you that way---get up on your hind legs and quit letting her!

  2. What a jerk - is there anyone higher up you can speak to about this? Another co worker on your side? You're going to need some support on this one honey - look for another job asap!

  3. Most cities have a tenant protection act, that is publically available.  You should read up on it and know it WELL so that you are armed to properly stand up to her.  It will outline policies for eviction, etc...In general, it contains your rights and responsibilities as tenants and hers as the landlord.  

    In most cases unless she gives you proper notice she will be responsible for proving that you caused problems.  You may also be able to brainstorm ways that she might try to s***w you over while trying to cover her butt, which will let you prepare and fight back.

    In my city, although your lease may have said you aren't allowed pets, this is not enforcable by law.  She can't evict you for this unless the dog causes problems.

    Document EVERYTHING that happens.  If you can build a case against her, you can go to the city if she is violating the tenant protection laws or harrassing you.

  4. Everybody has a boss; I'd contact hers and state the facts.  I wouldn't mention her son's behavior; just your family and hers in relation to the rental situation.  Good luck.

    PS:  I'd still try to move away from that negativity if possible as she'll probably keep her job; which is okay if she makes the proper adjustment.

  5. i'd yell back.  what can she evict you for?  do you still have the dog?  you're paying your rent on time, the police aren't in and out your house, your neighbors aren't complaining - i'd cuss her out for real!

    don't take that mess!  and point out that if she can show your husband respoect she can show you the same as you are both one in the same.  

    good luck.

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