
How do you deal with a panic attack in class...if they won't let you out of the room!?

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no teacher will let me out of the room

others can leave...just not me


what do i do if i get a panic attack?




  1. First you need a diagnosis from a doctor, then you need to get a referral to social services.  They can set up a plan to help.  My niece gets panic attacks and they set up a code word for her to use to get out and see her social worker.

  2. The first thing is to not panic. :)

    Take deep calming breaths and calm down. They probably think you are faking the panic attacks to get out of class.

    Make sure you have a paper bag with you all the time and if you start to hyperventilate and have a panic attack then start breathing into the paper bag. It will help calm you down.

  3. I mean if you're having any kind of attack just leave the classroom regardless! What is the most they can do? Send you to the principal all you have to say is I was having a panic attack. Sometimes the teacher doesn't let me go to the bathroom when I really have to go or get water when I'm dehydrated so I go anyways, lol. It's not healthy and they can't do much if you have a valid reason for leaving. But that's just me, some people can't do that. ;]

  4. First, recognize the symptoms of the panic attack coming on.  The earlier you recognize them, the more successfull you will be in taking care of it.

    When you feel it coming on, concentrate on your breathing.  Breathe slowly and evenly, pushing the "anxiety" aside.  Try to think of a very calm scene and breathe to that and relax.  Basically, you will have to use willpower to combat it.  

    Anxiety attacks are not well named.  They are probably caused by a chemical the body produces which stimulates the body to react as it would if you were truly in an anxious situation.  You have to outlast that feeling. You won't die from one, though you might pass out.  You may feel like you can't breathe, but in actuality you will be breathing too much.  

    The anxiety attack is going to push you to breathe too fast.  That wipes out the carbon dioxide in your blood, which in turn leads to the blood vessels in your fingers and arms (working up from the fingers) to close off.  In turn, that leads to your fingers tingling and your arm going to sleep.  Slowing your breathing properly will prevent these symptoms, and hence prevent the additional anxiety from them.  

    The other tact is to have your doctor write a note to the school explaining that you are having anxiety attacks and that you need proper treatment for them.  Some teachers may not recognize them as anything but an attempt to get attention or out of the class.  

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