
How do you deal with a "lurker" ?

by  |  earlier

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I call them lurkers, the people on here that follow you around and report abuse on you no matter what you say.

I don't write offensive posts (unless I mean it in a satirical or ironic way) but the other day I posted two answers to two different questions from one person (I won't say his name), that disagreed with him. It wasn't even an angry disagreement it was more like, "I have to say I disagree" and then gave valid reasons for my disagreement.

An hour later I check my profile and find that both answers were removed. I was a little puzzled but I figured maybe the guy was a little vain and he didn't like to be disagreed with.

Ever since then, every single question I ask has been removed no matter how completely benign it may be.

I have blocked the person in question (something that I really didn't want to do because I think of that as a form of censorship), but it didn't help. I'm at a loss. Maybe I should just ignore it and it will go away.

At least I have a few hours where people can answer me before my question gets removed. Any advice?




  1. Dealing with lurkers' is very difficult. 90% of the time you have to put with them until they give up lurking you.  

  2. the blocking tool became a great friend lol and the yahoo abuse email was a book mark.

    i have seen my clones in days.yay!

  3. that sucks dude, you need to block this person, if you know who it is. otherwise, make everything private.

    good luck.

  4. They're going to remove this question too?

    Contest the removal! Tell Yahoo you have a censorship stalker!

    I hope they would care, but seeing as they tend to be a little bit "oh well, sucks to be you" on the strangest of occasions... I'll cross my fingers for a good out come for you!

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