
How do you deal with a real a*****e?

by Guest33469  |  earlier

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I'll spare you the details, but there is one guy my husband and I know through my grandpa, and both of us just hate this man. He is rude, selfish, stuck up and an all around a*****e. What do you do when you are forced to be around these types of people?




  1. The key here is to not be around this guy.

  2. That man of your story reminds me of my cousin. She is a lot like that man.

    Years ago I was somewhat forced to be around her.

    She only talked to me when she needed something. She blocked me out of her contacts for no reason. She is so rude and materialistic. She ignored me for no reason. We had an argument almost about 3 years ago. We haven't talked in almost 3 years.

    My advice would be: If you are forced to be around him for any reason, DO NOT TALK to him, IGNORE HIM. Distance yourself from him if possible.

    Avoid those kind of toxic people.

    These are people not worth spending time with.

  3. It is best to use extra strength Charmin.

  4. Ignore him completely. Find a reason to be in another room, part of another conversation, or otherwise unavailable to hear his rudeness. I'd avoid any gathering he's at if at all possible and when you get a chance I suggest you ask the grandpa what he sees in this guy. Maybe he thinks everyone else gets a kick out of him because he's so charming :)

  5. Scratch it when it itches, wipe it when it's dirty, wash it when it's stinks, shave it when it's hairy.

  6. sorry  but without the  details  one  cant  tell  whether  he  really  is  an a*****e or  if  you  are  just  a  spoiled diva  who  just  doesnt  understand  older  people's sense  of  humor.

  7. Well usually when my old lady comes up under me with all kinds of noise . I'll make comments that are aggressive to her yet physically cause her to place her hand to her mouth and walk away looking back every so many feet or so laughing inside yet the laugh wont come out of her mouth its a sort of mental laugh you gotta know whats a funny remark to someone like that cause it really hurts them but at the same time literally gets them going she calles it a hurt laugh . Like when she thinks shes all that and then some and expects deep libertys from me as if im so stupid I just tell her to Shovel it up her *** and get on ,and if she keeps going I'll say Why are you HARPING ON ME ,HHHHHARPING following me around like you love me and **** whats your problem your gonna get us ARRESTED acting like that although theres no one really looking and when there really are it throws a sense of imbarrasment at her,Simple thing's like Hey why did you throw my DOGG on the table for Wigger ************ when she gets down on a buddy or so but always remembering not to move toward physicall contact Simply just regulating the a*****e with clever words putting them him or her beside themselves always works for me and I get a kick outta her trying to compete  what would I do with out her My bill paying ***** I work so hard for inthe HOT SUN .Sincerely loving husband.

  8. I deal with meanies on a daily basis from multiple mediums of communication. I have dealt with the same situation (somewhat) and I can simply say "ignore" but a lot of us understand that sometimes ignoring does not work, sometimes they WANT our attention.

    So, I'm going to spice up the definition of "ignore"... What you can do, when he refers to you and your husband, show a lack of interest, actions speak louder than words. When he comes with his bull c**p that's when you dismiss it immediately, he'll get the picture (but probably may not like it). Then again, I'm sure this man is probably one of those lead headed people that somehow manage to find somebody to go and spawn multiple copies of their obnoxious self. Whenever he is addressing you (or your husband) just go on with your business, if he's in need of your attention give him a half-assed response like "yeahokaywhateverkid". Also, some people need to meet their maker if you know what I mean.

  9. Don't talk to him, and don't respond to him when he does talk. Make some excuse for not wanting to.  One can only hope that he will get bored and go away.

  10. tell your grandpa you don't like this man and refuse to be around him.

  11. might help if you tell us why you have to be around this fella - is he your grandpa's golf buddy or pastor?

    or is he just a friend that your grandpa has outgrown and doesn't know it?

    whatever: ask grandpa to your house, or out to lunch somewhere on his own, and give him examples of what this guy has said/done, and why you don't want to be invited to the same places as him please.

    if you have a grandma, or grandpa has a special female friend, you may like to enlist her help. If this bloke is as bad as you describe, she probably can't stand him either.

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