
How do you deal with a really stressed out Bride?

by Guest61608  |  earlier

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I'm the maid of honour, and the bride is so wound up that she's being snarky with everyone. she was even a bit bitchy at her own bridal shower. the wedding's in a few weeks, and i'm concerned she won't be able to enjoy her own wedding because she'll be too concerned with things going right. as her best friend and MOH, I'm feeling a bit helpless right now (not to mention I'm ready to strangle her). Can any of you Maid of Honour survivors help me out?




  1. I would talk with her mother, if they're close.  SOMEONE needs to talk to her, and share with her EXACTLY what you just said--your concern is that she's going to be so stressed out with wanting everything to be perfect (and it's not going to be perfect--SOMETHING will go wrong) that she won't even enjoy her wedding day.  Remind her that this is 1 day--her marriage is for the rest of her life.  Help her put it all in perspective, while offering to take whatever burdens off her hands that you're able.  If you approach it in a "what do you need to have happen so that you really enjoy your wedding day?" you'll get much better results than if you use a "will you stop being such a witch?" method.  LOL  

    I work in a bridal salon, and see all sorts of brides--it's best if you can head off the snarkiness before it reaches a good head of steam--because once a bride reaches the point where all she's doing is worrying non-stop about everything, it's REALLY hard to get her back to reality.  Just GENTLY remind her (and I do it with brides all the time at their final  fittings) that your concern is for her, and her happiness, and that she's supposed to ENJOY this day, it's not supposed to be a gigantic burden on her.  And, when all is said and done--it's 1 day in a lifetime of marriage.  The most important thing is her marriage, NOT her wedding day.  

    I wish you (and she) all the best!!!  Good luck to you both!

  2. Yes , You two need a spa day. How about massages. that will destress her instantly and you two will have a great day together...

  3. A stern talking to might get her attention.  Just because she's the bride doesn't mean that she's the princess!  Stressed or not, it doesn't give her the right to be nasty.

  4. I've never been the maid of honor, but I know what you mean. Kidnap her one day soon, take her to the spa (hit up her future hubby for cash if you need to) and make sure she relaxes all day long. Talk it out with her, because I'm sure you two are close, so if she hears that she's being a jerk from anyone, she'll take it best from you. :D

    Good luck!

  5. tell her that she has to remember the meaning of the event that shes planning.some brides get so caught up with the show, and the stuff that doesnt even matter..bottom line is. is that shes about to make a promise to a man and vis versa & thats all that matters..its suppose to be an enjoyable experience and she can make it whatever she wants!

  6. Tell her to calm down and everything will work out.  Tell her she needs to enjoy this time in her life, not stress about it.  Things always come together at the last minute.  I like the idea someone mentioned, a spa treatment.  That works.  Or have her start getting hair and makeup samples at the salon.  (Make sure she takes her veil with her.)  Make sure she has appointments to have her nails done too.  Just reassure her everything will turn out just great.


  8. Maybe have a day at the Spa with her and have a few glasses of wine....then tell her to RELAX!!!!!!!!!!

  9. I completely understand, been in that situation a few times.

    A few ideas that may help- with different people you have different solutions.

    One is just to tell her. Let her know that she is starting to be a little bit unbearable and let her know everything is going to turn out great.

    2- Ask her if you can take her to dinner or do something fun just the two of you and help her relax a little, take her mind off of everything that is going on.

    3-See if you yourself can take any of the responsibilities off of her and maybe you handle some of the things so that she doesn't have to.

    hope these ideas come in handy. #3 has helped me in the past. Best wishes to the bride.

  10. well im a wedding is next weekend..just give her a gift card to a spa..i know thats what i would want with all the'll thank you for it

  11. Ally,

    As a professional Bridal Consultant I deal with many a stressed out Bride. The thing to do is re-direct her focus, Brides tend to over think all the "details" of the Wedding and neglect to focus on the true intention of the day.. to become a Wife and to start a Marriage.

    Plan some time with your friend (the Bride) and try to spend it getting her excited about becoming Mrs... have her show you picture albums or talk about the honeymoon or their lives together.

    Remind her that regardless if everything fails but at the end of the day she is married than it will be mission accomplished...

    Best of luck

  12. She just wants to do the dirty. All you can do is telll her she is bing a "B" and she should shut up. Wait for her to do the dirty and all will be restored to its proper order.

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