
How do you deal with a scald?

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I currently am typing with one hand coz my other is in a glass of water. 2 finger are affected. i came into contact with hot liquid. one finger is slightly blistered. hand has been in water for over 1 and a half hours. if taken out sharp pain near finger-nail occurs.





  1. I feel sorry for you ,its so painful ,Something like that happened to me last night .The Kettle boiled and I had my arm by the spout and got a Steam Burn a large one ,The Pain was terrible ,You should keep wetting a cloth and compressing it on your fingers,You can buy spray to put on Burns ,It will take a few hours but once it starts to blister it will feel better ,I have now sprayed mine and put a plaster on it.,If it hasent gone within a day ,go to the doctor ,you are doing the right thing putting it in water,dosent it take the pain away  

  2. Cool clean running water over the burn, do NOT put any ointments or anything on it, rap it with a clean and sterile dressing (gauze) take some motrin or advil, if the pain gets worse or the blistering is severe, go to the emergency room or your family doctor. They will put silvadine on the burn and give you some real pain killers.

  3. thats all u can do bar going to hospital, cold water or a cloth soaked in cold water ice no good as u can get freezer burns


    this link talks about how to treat burns,like placing a sterial dressing over the burned area,no ointments or any thing should be applied.

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