
How do you deal with a sexist arrogant ****** boss?

by  |  earlier

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I am his assistant. I came into this buisness knowing very little, he hired me knowing he would have alot of teaching and training to do. Well its been 6 months and i still know little . He expects me to get things done , yet will never show me how he wants it. He shuts me out when i try to ask him questions, hes cussed at me!!!!! many times. I am just fed up.. i really need the money or else i would quit. I am only 20 so i dont have much expierence with these types of situations in the buisness world. I've done everything i can think of to make it better but nothing works.. any ideas? anyone? i just cant take it anymore.




  1. Sadly, you might have to find another job.  I had to leave a job for this reason once and I was not sorry.  Others stayed and the boss got fired, so it is a roll of the dice.  

  2. Assertiveness and pro-activity. Get in his face and ask him politely not to speak to you in that manner. If that fails, then raise a greivance. If you don't know how to do something, then aim to learn by yourself.  

  3. i would suggest that you start looking for another job, but don't quit until you have one secured.

    if you're not learning anything you will be unprepared if you want to find a new and better job later. since you're still young you could find a much better job with opportunities for advancement in the future.


    if you're not wanting this job forever, and are being paid well you could stick it out. depending on the business and the reputation it has, it could look good on future resumes that you have worked there.

    good luck :)

    p.s. you could try talking to some of the other employees. just MAKE SURE you can fully trust them so that they don't backstab you and tell your boss.

    also try calmly explaining to your boss "I want to be the best assistant to you, i just haven't been provided enough information to do so."

    again- best of luck (:

  4. file harrasment charges on him with upper management

    h**l call corporate if you file harrasment anything they do to you after that is deamable as retaliation

    from that not to many smart companies will mess with you in fear if you do youle file retaliation on them

    through wistle blowers act if they retaliate you can get more then you think out of them

  5. Report the b*****d or quit...i would not take c**p like that from anyone...

  6. I dont see how he is sexist he didnt mention anything about that.  It sounds to me like u r just bad at your job.  Instead of blaming everybody else maybe u should ask a co worker or start looking for a new job OR LEARN HOW TO DO YOURS ITS BEEN SIX MONTHS U SHOULD OF BEEN ABLE TO PICK IT UP BY NOW

  7. either find another job, deal with it, or sue him!

  8. put a hit on him

  9. find a new job and quit . .  if you haven't caught on in 6 months then it's not the job for you . . where I work  after 4 weeks if a trainee is not catching on then he/she is fired . .

  10. well id say keep this job untill you find anothor one

  11. Nothing you said made him sexist, just a pain in the butt.  It is sad that there is nothing illegal or wrong with being a horrible boss.  

    The cussing can be a big deal, I would report that to HR.  But remember, you can always quit.  If it is really that bad I would start looking for something else.

  12. You're just going to have to look for another job.  If he's not willing to train you and he's obviously an *** then there is nothing much you can do.

  13. It's typical situation in the business world. Can't take it anymore - JUST QUIT! or If he is really a sexist, Have a s*x with him. maybe you will change him...forever and you'll succeed in your career!  xe-xe;))  

  14. 1st take a can of gasoline

    2nd Take that can and pour some on his house

    3rd strap him to a bed and pull each of his finger and toenails out slowly with pliers

    4th get a bucket put a rat in it and PUT IT ON HIS CHEST SO THE RAT CHEWS THROUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5th BURN THE MOTHER****** DOWN!!!!!!!!!!

    or tell HIS boss.................... either way works ; ) hehehehehahahaha

  15. i know how you feel. if the money is really an issue i say stick with it and try your best. my boss was really abusive and i didnt learn anything so i quit. i got another job but the pay wasnt that great. however im definitely happy with my situation because im surrounded by great co-workers. let me know what you decide on

  16. start looking for another job immediately. you don't have to go through that c**p, your twenty for god sakes. he is just a jerk and he won't be able to keep any employees with that attitude. Find another job and leave quickly its better to quit then to get fired because he's a jerk.

  17. If you are in a corporate situation, you can go to Human Resources, but if the company is small and he is the top dog, the only thing you can do is look for another job.  Just don't trash talk your boss while looking of another job.  Interviewers don't like to hear that.

  18. Maybe you should talk to him about it, or report him?

  19. if he is cussing at you look for another job, just because you are young does not give him the right to treat you like that.  Ive been working in the business world for quite some time and when they act like that its not worth it.  You can try to escalate it through HR but it is probably not going to help much, usually when you start making waves they start looking for ways to fire you. Start looking and stick it out until you can find something else.

  20. oohh no no is he the boss? talk to the supervisor or head of the company or if that does'nt work find a different job and quit

  21. an hour before you have to go to work

    take ecstacy

  22. Put your resume out there.  It will NEVER change!!

  23. I am dealing with the same situation.  My boss is extremley disrespectful and unhelpful.  He is very sexist and actually has major sexial harrasment problems as well.  He seems to be proud of the fact that he has made all of this secretaries cry and quit.  I will not be the exception.  I am looking for another job and I recommend that you do the same.

  24. You need to look for another job. There is nothing more to be done. If he owns the company, who are you going to complain to, while you are putting resume's out there, ask to speak to him and ask him to show you how to do certain things.

    But be aware, that once you have been shown, you are expected to remember and to do whatever it is correctly and quickly. Time is money in business.

    Until then, quietly look for another job.

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