
How do you deal with a stubborn 17yr old who expect everything but gives nothing in return?

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How do you deal with a stubborn 17yr old who expect everything but gives nothing in return?




  1. I know it sounds weird, but sometimes the best thing to do is give tough love. I know when i take and take and take from my mom the thing that drives me nuts the most is when she stops giving.

    If you give your.. 17 year old a taste of what it would be like without you giving, then he or she will come to their senses.

    USUALLY. Not always, and sometimes it may take a while and it will always be hard on you, but it works.

    My mom has done it to me and all of my brothers. And it taught us to be thankful, and more selfless.

  2. My boy is 16. I dont expect him to do/be anything other than a youthful, happy boy - and for as long as he can.

    Life is rough and harsh...he will deal w/that soon enough--allow him to "get his way" while hes yours, as long as its not something crazy. You only have a year left to form your forever bond w/your boy. Dont disappoint him by being a disapproving parent. Hes really does still need his mom!!


  3. give him nothing and you shall recieve


  5. Sounds like they should have been dealt with long ago and they would not act like this.  

  6. DISCIPLINE,if its one thing i learned discipline is the only way to get children to listen, although a lot of parents don't find spanking their children a good thing it could mean the difference to a brat or angle.the bible even says "don't spare the rod" . now that he/she is old enough to now how to behave,and have their own responsibilities, if there acting silly,   stop giving them what they want, you might feel bad and they might try to make you feel bad,but sooner or later they'll need you for something. and they wont act like that, until you do something they'll keep taking advantage as long as they can.

  7. don't give them anything.  no cell phone, no ipod, no TV, nothing.  

  8. that is right. dont give them jack! tell them to go out and work. they are a young adult who should be working not depending on parents to give, give and give them.

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