
How do you deal with a sudden sensitivity to pressure on one tooth?

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I woke up this morning quite startled to realize I had a sudden, shooting pain in one tooth. It went away when I opened my mouth, only to hurt again when I closed it. I managed to fall back asleep, but it's really quite irritating. I do grind my teeth in my sleep if I'm stressed (which I have been), and I also have a tendency to clench my jaw. I realize both of those can make it worse, so I'm trying to watch myself. I'm also taking ibuprofen for it, which helps to a degree. I'm guessing that it'll go away in a couple of days, but in the mean time... how do I deal with it beyond the ibuprofen?




  1. Your are on the right track.  I had the same problem, took 3 Aleve, called and saw the dentist at lunch time and had a root canal performed. Now I'm able to sleep without the pain.

  2. pressure, probable decay....see your dentist

  3. No.this probably won't be going away anytime soon(Sorry )

    Make an appointment with your dentist ASP! The sooner the better. You need to get it taken care of right away.

    Meanwhile : Avoid too hot or too cold  food or drinks. Brush your teeth with Sensodine

  4. That is happening to me right now.I clench my teeth i dont know why. But you should stop. I was chewing gum it helps me remember not to clench, to just chew lightly. I always brush my teeth when it starts hurting. You need to get a dentist to look at it though. But seriously that gum really helps. lol

    Im sorry. teeth problems suck. bet of luck

  5. Your grinding could be the reason for the pain, but to be sure, see your dentist. Maybe you can have a night guard made to help cushion the blow of grinding.See what the dentist says. Good luck.

  6. You just brush ur teeth, floss that area, and gargle salt and water. Call your dentist.

  7. try a sensitivity toothpaste, crest makes one, and use that and anbesol orajel on that tooth. if it doesnt go away after the specified time of using the toothpaste, then make an appoinment.  

  8. You should really see a dentist, it could be a cracked tooth, cavity, or even the beginnings of an abcess.

  9. I have the same exact problem. You may have cracked the tooth when clenching in the middle of the night. When that happens you will usually need a root canal. I need about 7 from all my teeth clenching. If you need help paying for these (they are quite expensive) I use a discount plan. check to see if there are providers in your area

  10. Sounds like you're just clenching or grinding at night.  You aren't having any other pain other than from pressure, you noticed it once you woke up, you have had this before that eventually went away, so it definitely sounds like a sprained tooth.  Baby it for the next couple of days, take a mild pain reliever, and for sure go get a mouth guard for night time.  Go to the dental isle in a Target, Walmart, Walgreens...$20 to save your teeth!  Trim it down if it feels too bulky.  Best of luck!

  11. I have the same problem and I cracked my tooth now I use a retainer every night. Good luck

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