
How do you deal with a supposed friend that stabs you in the back???

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How do you deal with a supposed friend that stabs you in the back???

she/he starts rumors or lies about you and tells your friends lies...

please help me!




  1. Nicely end all contact. Stop answering the calls from them or emails and always be too busy to talk with them. After a while, they'll go away.

  2. ditch them ignore them or talk trash about them

    pertend your friend get dirt on them then tell the world muah haha ha

  3. when a "supposed" friend starts a rumor about you, one, he/she is not your friend.

    two, doing the same and stabbing her/him back makes you as bad as she/he is.

    so, go up to him/her and just smile, tell them you are forgiven for your act and I hope you change one day to become a better person, stay this way and you will have no friends at all that you can count on.

    The always come back saying sorry...

  4. I would say just ditch them, but I kinda like the home-made napalm answer as well.

  5. Real friends don't stab you in the back.

    They stab you in the front.

  6. girley is it

  7. revenge is a dish best served cold  

  8. hm...

    =) I would do the same )))))) lol) It's not too good of course ...

    A kind of "AH! What a beautiful jeans " if they're rly ugly....

  9. Anyone who does those things is no friend of mine and I would put them out of my life : )

  10. they're automatically out of my life, i don't deal with that pissy drama

  11. Stab them back before calling 911.

  12. ditch them as a friend they not true friend if they do that

    just ignore the rumours or make some up about ur friend =)

  13. write them off...if it were me in that situation..i would just cut them off not even give them an explanation..they should already know what they did..ignore there calls..just move on..that isn't a true friend at all..why even waste ur time with them..

  14. that person isn't a friend, and you shouldn't consider them as such. but don't sink to their level and start a petty 'he said she said' catfight. everyone will realize who the bigger person is eventually.

  15. i'd distance myself from them.

  16. Cut off all contact. It may be painful at first, but it'll hurt less than letting them use and hurt you.

  17. Ummm......just talk to them and confront them.........just whatever you u do don't do anything mean just makes things worse.....then there is no hope for fixing it......

  18. You don't, you let what goes around come back around and let it bite them in the @ss harder than what hit you.

    Revenge is better served cold.  

  19. It is true when they say keep your friends close but your enemies closer. Reason being because those enemies can be a great resource for you. Keep in mind also that your supposed friend knows more than you might feel comfortable with her knowing and might use that her her advantage. So keeping that in mind, why not create a different type of friendship with her. Obviously you now know that she cannot be trusted so do not share anything personal, that you wouldn't want getting out, with her. Keep her as a friend because you never know when you may have this person to your advantage. Rethink your actions always and find out which pro's and con's are easier to deal with.

    With that in mind, just remember enemies make great friends also just know your boundaries and differences between enemies and friends!

  20. Dump them, or insult in a very rude way + dump them =/

  21. If she does all of those things then she is not a friend.  No use in keeping her around.  I have had a friend like that for years.  I just make sure not to tell her anything that I wouldn't want repeated and keep my conversations friendly.  BUT, if she is making up lies and starting rumors then your 'friend' is not worth even friendly conversation.  

  22. Revenge is NOT the answer...if you take it, you're just as bad as the person says you are...  So, you've learned a hard lesson...turn your back to them...and don't look back...  That way it will only happen once...  

  23. They're uh... not really your friend? Stop talking to them and cut your losses.

  24. prove that you are rights and he/she is wrong. be sure that you have not done the same for your friend.

  25. Well, you stab them in the back and twist the knife before you remove it... Meaning, you stab them in the back so good that they will learn never to do that again. It works for me all the time, if someone tries to tarnish my reputation, I completely ruin theirs until they have no reputation. It's a tough job, but it keeps people in line... I'm mean I know.

  26. Napalm, homemade.

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